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Viacom and Time Warner settle dispute over iPad streaming

Written by James Delahunty @ 16 May 2012 6:38 User comments (1)

Viacom and Time Warner settle dispute over iPad streaming Time Warner, Viacom opt to settle iPad streaming lawsuit.
Time Warner had released an application for the iPad that let users watch live television broadcasts as long as they were in their own home.

Viacom sued Time Warner, claiming it didn't have the right to stream its content to the iPad. Time Warner disagreed, but decided to pull several channels from its iPad streaming app regardless of its stance. Following a spat in Federal court, both sides have decided to settle the case.

Both companies issued a statement on Wednesday, saying they had "agreed to resolve their pending litigations," and that Viacom conent will now be available to Time Warner Cable subscribers for viewing in their homes via iPad.

Comedy Central and MTV will be restored first, but it will take some time to restore all streams.

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1 user comment

117.5.2012 08:42
Unverified new user

I’m sure Time Warner customers are excited about getting Viacom channels on their iPad again; I know I would be. It’s nice to see that they could come to a resolution. The thing that isn’t so good is that the iPad must be connected to a home network in order to stream live TV. I like to use a similar app on my iPad called the Dish Remote Access app. With the Sling Adapter that’s connected to my DVR at home, I can watch any live TV channel that I subscribe to on my iPad anywhere I am. My co-workers and I at Dish like to use my iPad to stream ESPN live while we’re on lunch, so it has definitely kept us up to date on sports!

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