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Time Warner Cable shed 306,000 subscribers during CBS dispute

Written by James Delahunty @ 02 Nov 2013 4:24 User comments (5)

Time Warner Cable shed 306,000 subscribers during CBS dispute Time Warner Cable lost more subscribers in the third-quarter than any other quarter in its history, and the CBS dispute is being blamed.
The cable co lost more than 306,000 subscribers between July and September, compared to a drop of 29,000 subscribers during the same quarter of last year. The company blames the CBS dispute which resulted in a CBS blackout on the network.

TWC had to provide over $15 million worth of credit to Showtime subscribers for losing service during the dispute too.

Its net income during the quarter dropped to $532 million, compared to $808 for the same period of 2012, while its average cost of programming per subscriber rose 8.4 percent to $34.10 per month.

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5 user comments

12.11.2013 11:25

Boohoo! That's what happens when you get greedy.

22.11.2013 14:58

Originally posted by GryphB:
Boohoo! That's what happens when you get greedy.
Who is the greedy one? The one that wanted more for their programming that then leads to the cable company having to raise their prices to make up for it? Or the one that is trying to get the lowest price so they can try to keep costs down? It's funny how people forget that company's are in business to make money.

32.11.2013 21:16

Maybe if your young and seeing what cable was before and now.You might see the greed all around and TWC is high and a rip off just for every cent they can get.Now they charge 6.99 to have a modem to use their isp.They were free with the service and cable boxes cost 10.00 and up you even pay rent for the remote.I bought my on modem and new router and wired the house wireless myself.I don't have a DVR and the go back feature sucks as it wont let you see shows you missed while gone.Now they have taken the fast forward away from the on demand channels so if your watching Bones you have to watch the whole dam show commercials included.

Regan deregulated cable back in the early 80s and its gotten worse ever since.They wont allow a rival cable company to come in and setup shop.The city I live in now tried to get their own cable company and TWC blocked it every single way they could for 3 years till they gave up and then we got a rate hike 6 months later after the 1st of the year and they did the rate hike then also.I know they are in business to make money but they punch and boss things around so no other cable company can compete with them so the prices stay high and they just keep going up.You watch since CBS did that crap and made a big stink and wanted more money come January 2014 you will see yet another rate hike and it will be everything on the little list they mail to you showing the before and after price.I laugh every time I see them telling people don't get Dish or Direct tv satellite tv sucks but cable is satellite tv as everything today is beamed down from the sky to a dish and resent.I switched over to Direct tv and its great and the price is HALF of what I was paying.

43.11.2013 10:35

Originally posted by cazer:
Originally posted by GryphB:
Boohoo! That's what happens when you get greedy.
Who is the greedy one? The one that wanted more for their programming that then leads to the cable company having to raise their prices to make up for it? Or the one that is trying to get the lowest price so they can try to keep costs down? It's funny how people forget that company's are in business to make money.
I understand they are in business to make money. But the truth that will always remain a fact is that the customers are the king. The one who pays for the service in a way dictates the behaviour of the one selling the product. As you can see, the customers have spoken by leaving TWC and went elsewhere.

53.11.2013 16:34

Like I always say: We vote with our money,
and down with all those Greedy Corporations: starting with cable Co's.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 03 Nov 2013 @ 4:36

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