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VSO DVD Converter v3.6.0.9

Vista / Win7 / WinXP
DVD Converter from VSO Software is the ultimate solution for copying content from a DVD for playback on any number of devices.

If you want to copy a movie from a DVD and play it on an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, iPad, iPhone or any number of other devices, DVD Converter can do it. It can also copy content from DVD to another DVD disc.

Through wide format support, DVD Converter can prepare video files for almost any of today's portable devices or smartphones, and even allows for you to retain subtitles in the output.

DVD Converter strives to output the best quality copies it can within its means. A Quality helper in the program guides you through customising your settings to achieve the best quality output. Support for NVIDIA CUDA means that copying will be much faster on systems with a compatible NVIDIA video card. VSO also optimized DVD Converter for multi-core processors to get the most out of the system.

Note: Copy protected discs cannot be opened with VSO DVD Converter (or most DVD copying tools.) To handle copy protected discs, you will need to research DVD ripping solutions, like AnyDVD from SlySoft.
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VSO DVD Converter v3.6.0.9Filesize: 35.24 MB


VSO DVD Converter v1.4.0.8 VSO DVD Converter v1.4.0.8 VSO DVD Converter v1.4.0.8

vso dvd converter

License type Shareware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 28 May 2015
Downloads 2,719
File size 35.24 MB (< 5min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages English  
Operating systems Vista / Win7 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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