Avast Decryption Tool for Legion v1.0.1.137
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Avast Decryption Tool for Legion can decrypt files that were encrypted by the Legion ransomware.
Legion has been observed in the wild since June 2016. Once it encrypts files it adds a variant of ._23-06-2016-20-27-23_$f_tactics@aol.com$.legion or .$centurion_legion@aol.com$.cbf to the end of filenames.
It then changes the background of the Desktop to inform the user that their data has been encrypted and provides an e-mail address to get them back.
This tool, provided for free by Avast, can decrypt files that were encrypted with this ransomware.
Legion has been observed in the wild since June 2016. Once it encrypts files it adds a variant of ._23-06-2016-20-27-23_$f_tactics@aol.com$.legion or .$centurion_legion@aol.com$.cbf to the end of filenames.
It then changes the background of the Desktop to inform the user that their data has been encrypted and provides an e-mail address to get them back.
This tool, provided for free by Avast, can decrypt files that were encrypted with this ransomware.
Other editions:
- Avast Decryption Tool for AlcatrazLocker
- Avast Decryption Tool for CrySIS
- Avast Decryption Tool for Globe
- Avast Decryption Tool for NoobCrypt
- Avast Decryption Tool for BadBlock
- Avast Decryption Tool for BadBlock (64-bit)
- Avast Decryption Tool for Bart
- Avast Decryption Tool for Crypt888
- Avast Decryption Tool for SZFLocker
- Avast Decryption Tool for TeslaCrypt3
HTML code for linking to this page:
avast decryption tool for legion
License type
Author's homepage
Visit the author's site
Date added
17 Apr 2017
File size
1.07 MB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages
Operating systems
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.
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