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VistaMizer v2.5.2.0

VistaMizer is an installation package that will transform your Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003 to a new Vista look. The package modifies more than 380 files, including icons, that will create a whole new desktop look.

The software keeps your previous configuration in backup and works with all language versions. You can also choose what elements you want to modify, and when selecting files your system doesn't support the program recognizes them and jumps over, and therefore doesn't break your system in any way.

Reversing your changes back to original settings is easy, just uninstall the software.

Some key features for VistaMizer:

  • Vista-Look for Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003
  • Modification of the own system files
  • Multilingual
  • Completely free choice for the modification files
  • Check the files for compatibility during the installation
  • Backup from the original system files
  • Re-modification of the system files after Windows Updates
  • Rebuilding of the original system files with un-installation
  • Screenshots:

    VistaMizer v2.2.1.0

    vistamizer windows xp vista theme design

    License type Freeware1
    Author's homepage Visit the author's site
    Date added 07 Jan 2010
    Downloads 15,290
    File size 22.37 MB (< 3min @ 1Mbps)
    Operating systems WinXP1

    1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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    VistaMizer v2.5.1.0

    Why would anyone want to

    VistaMizer v2.5.0.0

    I liked windows vista myself not having the money I found other ways of trying it out and found out it's a mmeory hog so had too get rid of it. <br/> <br/>So why am I using something that emulates parts of ista well some things I did like like the windows flip option and now they added it too a this program that emulates vista and I think it works really well even the sidebar is on here and it gives you the option not too install what ever you don't want.