Catalog Your Music With Music Collector | Viewing Page 4 of 5 -- Go To |
Reports and Exports
Once you have your CDs entered into Music Collector you're ready to do something with all that data. You will probably want access to your data when you're not in front of your computer. You might even need it for some other program. Exporting data is where you see the biggest differences between the Music Collector and Music Collector Pro. The Pro version offers a lot more options, including exporting to iPhones.
The most basic way to get information out of Music Collector is using the Print option on the File menu. This is available in both versions of the software. Although you can simply click the Print button and get a well formatted report, if you prefer to customize things there are a lot of options.
1. Albums to print
You can choose to print either all albums or just the ones you have highlighted on the main Music Collector screen. You can select multiple files by holding down either2. Layout
Selecting Thumbnails will print only the artwork for each album or song. You can still get thumbnails as a column if you select List.3. Sort Order
You can set your own custom sort order, using any column or combination of columns in the program. Make sure you have the fields you're sorting on filled in for each album or song. Alternatively you can just stick with the order they're in on the main Music Collector screen.4. Columns
Just like you can choose which fields to use for sorting, you can also select which ones will print on your report and in what order. Use the checkbox if you also want thumbnails of the artwork for each album to print.5. Paging
The paging options under List Type will determine how many lines are printed on each page and whether ever other row will be shaded for easier reading.6. Report Details
Here you can set a custom title to print at the beginning of your report and also the font to be used.7. Header and Footer
The Header and Footer tab can be used to customize the text that prints at the top and bottom of each page.Music Collector Pro Exports
In addition to the reports available with the standard version of Music Collector, the Pro version can export data in a variety of formats. An additional option, Export to is added to the File menu. Instead of explaining each of them we'll look at some highlights of most, and cover the iPhone export option in more detail.
Export to Text
This option produces a text file that divides each row into a comma, tab, semicolon, or space separated text file.Export to HTML
The HTML export is basically like the printed report in the form of a web page.Export to XML
XML exports are generally only useful if you need to use the data in another program with XML support.Export to iPod Notes
If you have a traditional (non-Touch) iPod this export will allow you to keep a copy of your list on it.Export to iPhone or iPod Touch
The latest addition to Music Collector Pro exports requires you to have an iPhone or iPod Touch running at least the v2 operating system.
Required Software | |
Clz MusicClz Music can be used with Music Collector Pro to transfer a copy of your music database to your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can export some or all of your records for convenient access away from your computer. It must be purchased separately from the iTunes App Store. If you have the standard version of Music Collector you'll also have to upgrade to the Pro version in order to get the "Export to iPhone or iPod Touch" option. |
Step 1 - Prepare Your iPhone
Clz Music uses your iPhone's wireless network connection to transfer data. You'll need to make sure your iPhone is connected wirelessly to the same network as your computer running Music Collector. Start the Clz Music app and select the Import option on the far right at the bottom. This is required for Music Collector to find your iPhone.Step 2 - Start Export
Select the Export to iPhone or iPod Touch option on Music Collector's File menu.Step 3 - Export to iPhone
Click the Export button and the data will be transferred to your iPhone.Now you're ready to take your Music Collector Pro database with you on your iPhone.
Continued On Page 5In the last section we'll learn how to catalog audio files in formats like MP3, WMA, and FLAC Next: Adding Other Audio Files | |
Catalog Your Music With Music Collector | Viewing Page 4 of 5 -- Go To |
Written by: Rich Fiscus