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MSN's Soapbox re-opens with filtering technology

Written by James Delahunty @ 04 Jun 2007 7:39 User comments (14)

MSN's Soapbox re-opens with filtering technology Do you remember that Microsoft's Soapbox service was closed to new users due to fears that users were uploading copyrighted content without permission? Well, the service is again open to the public after two months and now has several "proactive automatic filtering technology" products implemented that were produced by Audible Magic (as well as some of its own).
"As a software company, we have a deep belief in the responsible use and aggressive protection of intellectual property and see these as important steps to ensure the viability and success of our user-generated video service over the long term," Rob Bennett, general manager of Entertainment and Video Services at MSN, told Ars.

Audible Magic's technology enables the service to check for "fingerprinted" content. Uploaded videos would be compared against Audible Magic's database to check if the audio track is the same as that of any protected content. This feature should work pretty fast and should be very effective.

"In addition, Microsoft is building tools to help content owners with automating certain parts of notice and takedown for anything that might not be caught during proactive filtering," Bennett said. "These tools do not use fingerprinting—they help content owners find content that might have slipped through the filtering, then allow them to more easily determine if it needs to be taken down, and to let us know in an easy, seamless fashion."

Online video services such as Soapbox or YouTube are being pressured to implement these anti-piracy systems and also to provide content providers with tools to easily have content removed.

Ars Technica

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14 user comments

14.6.2007 23:54

It would not surprise me that Microsoft's filter will be like Youtube.

25.6.2007 00:36

The companies that are trying to make these sites that are corporate friendly just don't get it.

Why did You Tube popularity EXPLODE?

Not because the users were provided **approved** content that they could choose from

Not because only this approved content could be uploaded

Not because some suits believed that they had a **pulse** on what was 'in' and could make better choices than their users could when it came to the user expressing themselves

While there are certainly UNfair use on You Tube (et al) this is again a small price to pay for the advertising that these users are providing for FREE for these products!

Boo Hoo... We didn't get paid when that little girl jumped around in her PJ's lip synching 99 Red Balloons... or when that highschool kid made a video showing night bombing to the tune of Ride the Lightening...

so what!

35.6.2007 01:26

You start to filter and you lose the masses! Simple really. But companies seem to have trouble understanding that concept. Oh, well....there are other sites that people CAN use without restrictions.

45.6.2007 04:10

As a software company, we have a deep belief in the responsible use and aggressive protection of intellectual property
You mean like that Sony Sound Forge you used?

Go suck a knob, MS
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 Jun 2007 @ 4:13

55.6.2007 13:53

I uploaded some 4-8 min clips of lucky star to show how the show works it a simi random comdey anime based on skits they start with 1 move to 2 than 3 then finish it off returning to one of the preivuos 2 skits,then you have the lucky channel skit thats not part of the main show but as a fun filler just before the credits start to roll and ther creidts are always diffrent.

its not licensed in the US yet they been wacking at what I upload,I got so pissed I removed all my videos.

Video shearing sites are about fun once you start enforcing inane rules based on more inane copy right laws no one will want to put up with it.

Hell everythign is CP/IP'd if you don't blur it out it should not be shown :X that will get rid of everythign in one fell swoop LOL

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 Jun 2007 @ 1:54

66.6.2007 07:29


Video shearing sites are about fun once you start enforcing inane rules based on more inane copy right laws no one will want to put up with it.
It's true, the whole point of the sites is to share what you like. When they start saying share what you like as long as....... it doesn't really make sense anymore.

Microsoft really does not get sharing on any level whatsoever. Zune's sharing feature is absolutely pathetic, but at least was a novel idea before it was found to be FUBAR. Soapbox is just a pure ripoff of what is already popular as a brutally obvious move to try and catch up to Google which, again, has destroyed their offering. Zune was trying to catch up to Apple, and they failed miserably at that too.

The big question any business needs to answer before a bank will give them money is "What can you do better than anyone else"? The answer to Soapbox is...


76.6.2007 07:37

Video shearing sites are about fun once you start enforcing inane rules based on more inane copy right laws no one will want to put up with it.
It's true, the whole point of the sites is to share what you like. When they start saying share what you like as long as....... it doesn't really make sense anymore.

Microsoft really does not get sharing on any level whatsoever. Zune's sharing feature is absolutely pathetic, but at least was a novel idea before it was found to be FUBAR. Soapbox is just a pure ripoff of what is already popular as a brutally obvious move to try and catch up to Google which, again, has destroyed their offering. Zune was trying to catch up to Apple, and they failed miserably at that too.

The big question any business needs to answer before a bank will give them money is "What can you do better than anyone else"? The answer to Soapbox is...

NOTHING[/quote]if YT kicks any more of my vids I will boycott them...
I am not posting whole eps I might sometimes have to post 5min swaps of the show I was talking about its a hard show to do its not like a basic series you can post a few clips from.

86.6.2007 07:42

Zippy, have you checked out DailyMotion or LiveLeak? I don't think they care as much as the big G

96.6.2007 07:51

ah DailyMotion they do remove pron/heavy nudity tho :P

I wonder if is a anal.

Dose DailyMotion let you preview comments before they can be posted?
I like that feature of YT :X

106.6.2007 10:22


Dose DailyMotion let you preview comments before they can be posted?
I like that feature of YT :X
I'm not sure, I just view I haven't posted (yet).

I've never been to, I usually only check out YT, DM and LL

118.6.2007 22:02

When is the ACLU gonna step in & argue that any free BBS is a form of "press", and as such, must be protected from unreasonable censorship?

I guess not until they figure out how to squeeze a dime out of it.

129.6.2007 00:52

Originally posted by Steve83:
When is the ACLU gonna step in & argue that any free BBS is a form of "press", and as such, must be protected from unreasonable censorship?

I guess not until they figure out how to squeeze a dime out of it.
ACLU is not normally driven by profit more by the whining of PC nazis and it seems neo PC nazis love big business a tad more than the old guard :X

1323.7.2007 21:33

So what happens if you speed up or slow down the audio? Is this enough to confus the filters?

1423.7.2007 22:00

I have had 3 videos on dailymotion with copyrighted music for about a month now with no issues. People have even asked "what is that song?", they like it and want to find more from the same band!

Soapbox sucks, plain and simple. Why bother trying to get around filters when you can put videos on dailymotion?

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