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Chrome 11 beta adds support for HTML speech

Written by James Delahunty @ 24 Mar 2011 4:05 User comments (2)

Chrome 11 beta adds support for HTML speech The latest release in the Google Chrome beta channel adds support for HTML speech input API.
Developers will be able to test out speech-to-text features on their web applications through the Chrome browser thanks to the added support, which stems from work Google has been doing with the HTML Speech Incubator Group.

Web apps will be able to transcibe voice heard through a computer's microphone to text. The user would click on an icon on the application and speak into the mic. The data is then sent to speech servers for transcription and the text is then typed out automatically for the user.

For those who would like to test this out, and are running the latest Chrome beta, check out an example here.

The latest beta also offered devs a sneak peak at GPU-accelerated 3D CSS, allowing for slick 3D effects on webpages using CSS.

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2 user comments

126.3.2011 00:28

Yay, Google is a search engine and a purchaser of other companies........................STAY OUTTA THE BROWSER BIZ!!

I think Chrome is just ugly, a total PITA with many sites and just a waste of HDD space. Stick with the originators, FF and IE

226.3.2011 23:15
Unverified new user

Then don't use it and shut the edited by ddp up, quit bitching. hahahaha stick with IE. Funny.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Mar 2011 @ 1:14

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