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Nokia will continue to sell Symbian phones for 'a long time'

Written by James Delahunty @ 26 Mar 2011 3:15 User comments (5)

Nokia will continue to sell Symbian phones for 'a long time' Nokia has moved to quash fears that it may be preparing to drop Symbian-based phones much too quickly.
The Finnish mobile phone giant said it will continue to sell handsets that run Symbian software for a long time after it has started to move devices that run Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 software. The company is expected to begin phasing out Symbian over the coming few years as it rolls out WP7 handsets.

"We will be selling (Symbian) devices long after Windows Phone devices from Nokia have already started to appear," Purnima Kochikar, head of developer relations at Nokia, said in a letter to devs. Symbian phones have lost market share due to competition from iOS and Android models, but it is still strongly profitable for Nokia.

Kochikar said that coming Symbian models will focus on strong integration of services, and that they will use faster processors than their predecessors. They will brought up to GHz+ levels, which is where Nokia's competitors are already at. Both Nokia's N8 and E7 use 680 MHz processors.

Tags: Nokia Symbian
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5 user comments

126.3.2011 04:53

I tried the n8 today, played with it for about an hour and personally i think the os sucks, i haven't been able to test a windows phone 7 as yet but im guessing its better.

226.3.2011 05:07

Originally posted by biglo30:
I tried the n8 today, played with it for about an hour and personally i think the os sucks, i haven't been able to test a windows phone 7 as yet but im guessing its better.

The S^3 is pretty good and home screen widgits bring frequently used features to the surface and the "Nokia Bubbles" app is great too. Its why Nokia said thay at not and never are going to make a WM7 phone besause is worse than Symbion3. They are working with Microsoft to roll out WM7.5 phones that may be feature complete, hence the big delay is seeing any Nokia WM phones.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Mar 2011 @ 5:12

326.3.2011 05:39
anil prajapati
Unverified new user

nokia symbien is best for nokia

426.3.2011 05:48

Android is best for Nokia...Symbian is better than Win7mo, but that is like saying that being hit by a bus is better than being hit by a train.

526.3.2011 07:58

Nokia won't even be in the handset market much longer. They've been relegated to nothing more than a manufacturer like everyone else, only they're now beholden to Microsoft too.

I give them 2 years before they go into receivership.

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