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Proview Shenzen tells distributors to stop iPad sales in China

Written by James Delahunty @ 09 Mar 2012 9:32 User comments (2)

Proview Shenzen tells distributors to stop iPad sales in China Proview targets distributors.
The company claims to own the rights to the iPad trademark in China, and is currently engaged in a court battle with Apple Inc. over the sale of iPads in the country. Apple is appealing a court decision that sided with Proview, with a decision expected from the Higher People's Court in Guangzhou within the next few weeks.

Proview isn't waiting on the court however. It fired off a letter to distributors in China, warning them about the consequences of selling the Apple product in the region.

"Anybody who continues to do so will be seen as intentionally infringing rights and the company will adopt the most severe measures by taking legal action," the company said in an open letter to distributors.

According to Chinese media, Proview is seeking up to 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) in compensation from Apple for trademark infringement, and has indicated that it would favour an out of court settlement.

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2 user comments

110.3.2012 19:11

Apple will not win this no matter what they think.

They are trying to win against an Chinese government owned company.

They should be thankful the Chinese government hasn't stopped the production of Ipads in china.

211.3.2012 16:56

I'm surprised Apple hasn't been deported altogether. "Blood is thicker than water" has never been more true than in this particular instance & I'll doubt they'll allow a domestic company take a fall for an American Company.

However, on a mirror view, why is it we're into a 3rd generation ipud & the US has caught wind of this lawsuit? How long has this actually been going on? I mean Proview had to 'know' the thing was being designed & being built 2 1/2 - 3 years before the first one even shipped. So what, 2008/9? Why didn't they raise hell about it then? Or did they & it took until about a month ago for us here in the US to just now hear about it? Why the cover up?

Few folks got pissy about my Apple bashing in sereval past forums, so I offer this 'less bash' approach for those Apple sensitive.

Can't say I'll keep it up though...

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