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Bug in iOS 7 can bypass lockscreen, access photos & accounts

Written by James Delahunty @ 19 Sep 2013 9:47 User comments (1)

Bug in iOS 7 can bypass lockscreen, access photos & accounts Apple has just launched the iOS 7 operating system for its iPhone, iPad and iPod touch products, but already there's a glaring flaw that lets users bypass the lockscreen. (And now a second lockscreen bug has been found in iOS 7 that lets users make calls to any number from a locked iPhone)
The bug was found by Jose Rodriguez, who previously found bugs to bypass the lockscreen in iOS 6 and iOS 7 beta. This time he has found a flaw in iOS 7 that lets you bypass the lockscreen, access photos and use photo sharing with twitter, flickr, email and so on. Apple is already aware of the problem and is promising a fix as soon as possible, according to Forbes.

The flaw is shown in the video embedded below. Basically, it works by first swiping up the lockscreen to access the phone's "control center", and then opening up the alarm clock. Holding the sleep button brings up the option to turn it off, but if you tap cancel and then double click the Home button you get to the multitasking screen (the second click should be stretched a bit, apparently).

From there you can access the camera and stored photos. The ability to share the photos from the users accounts opens up the possibility of hijacking the users' email, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Some users are saying they can't get it to work on their devices, as it appears to require good timing.

If you upgraded to iOS 7 and would like to prevent this attack on your device, just go to Settings -> Control Center and disable it from appearing on your lockscreen.

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