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Galaxy S5 to feature 2600x1440 display?

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Nov 2013 8:32 User comments (8)

Galaxy S5 to feature 2600x1440 display? After hinting during their annual Analyst Day that an upcoming device would feature 560 ppi, reports are claiming that device will be the upcoming flagship Galaxy S5.
Samsung Display CEO Kinam Kim made a whole presentation on the company's 2014 lineup, and with it he confirmed a 560 ppi Super AMOLED phone display.

At an expected 5.3-inch screen, that would suggest a resolution of 2600x1440. Samsung calls that display a WQHD resolution, and the standard calls for a 2560x1440 resolution (3.7 million pixels).

Additionally, the slideshow includes plans for bending, foldable and stretchable designs that will likely be the first of their kind.

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8 user comments

126.11.2013 22:23

Any rumor on release date?

226.11.2013 23:45

Originally posted by DarkJello:
Any rumor on release date?
Yeah............people like you buy into this crap!

It's such nonsense. The screen is the last thing people are concerned with on phones. They should be working on a 3+GHz quad core with min 8GB RAM and boosting the batteries to a solid 24 hour talk/chat/surf time.

And because this isn't available yet, I ditched my cell for Vonage. Don't have one driving, walking, shopping, etc. I simply use any one of those carried by everyone around me when necessary (rare)

327.11.2013 02:10

Originally posted by hearme0:
Originally posted by DarkJello:
Any rumor on release date?
Yeah............people like you buy into this crap!

It's such nonsense. The screen is the last thing people are concerned with on phones.
The screen is the most important thing to many people...
though i do agree that they need to spend more time on battery life

427.11.2013 08:55

It great to have a big screen, but battery life is important, bigger screen just eats battery. This phone is supposed to be a 64bit, and i think it will be June time, as there s4 is not that old

527.11.2013 15:05

I'm not 'buying in' I'm just in the market for a new phone. It's hard to know if I'm making a good decision when so much of the handheld market is done in secrecy.

I'm also a verizon customer which tends to limit handset options.

627.11.2013 15:59

Originally posted by keola37:
Originally posted by hearme0:
Originally posted by DarkJello:
Any rumor on release date?
Yeah............people like you buy into this crap!

It's such nonsense. The screen is the last thing people are concerned with on phones.
The screen is the most important thing to many people...
though i do agree that they need to spend more time on battery life

Yup. Battery life is the most important thing, then screen size & so on.
Probable for sale around Feb. Less than a year from the S4.
On my point of view the Note 3, is the best phone out there today.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Nov 2013 @ 4:12

727.11.2013 16:17

Originally posted by hearme0:
Originally posted by DarkJello:
Any rumor on release date?
Yeah............people like you buy into this crap!

It's such nonsense. The screen is the last thing people are concerned with on phones. They should be working on a 3+GHz quad core with min 8GB RAM and boosting the batteries to a solid 24 hour talk/chat/surf time.

And because this isn't available yet, I ditched my cell for Vonage. Don't have one driving, walking, shopping, etc. I simply use any one of those carried by everyone around me when necessary (rare)
the screen is just as important but yes they definitely need to crank up to 3+GHz and ram

827.11.2013 16:47

Once you get past a certain point, additional PPI is just device-peen; it's simply not perceptibly different to any human. Color balance makes a BIG difference, sure, but frankly, much beyond 720p (1080p at the outside) is submoronic for a phone-sized display. The larger number of pixels not only draws much more power, it eats CPU and RAM to drive them.

The simple truth is that, currently, CPU and RAM are pretty much unimportant to the average user; nearly all recent smartphones are far more powerful than most people need, even for gaming. Additionally, less tech-literate people really don't get the differences between dual- and quad-core, or CPU speeds. So the only way developers have to distinguish their phone from the rest is PPI, which - due to large flat-panel displays - is understood by consumers, at least to an extent (if you ignore 3D and 4K silliness).

And now, smartphone devs are talking up 4K displays for phones. FFS...

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