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Microsoft testing Windows 10 ROM that can turn your Android phone into a Windows phone

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Mar 2015 11:42 User comments (7)

Microsoft testing Windows 10 ROM that can turn your Android phone into a Windows phone

Among other big news revealed this week, Microsoft has also announced that it is trying out Windows 10 software that can effectively turn an Android device into a Windows device.
The company is testing the ROM with Xiaomi Mi 4 users and sources says "that it effectively overrides Android, turning the Xiaomi phone into a Windows 10 device complete with Microsoft services."

Of course, the overall goal is to have the new software impress users so that they might move away from Google and towards Microsoft, which may be a hard task. Microsoft was quick to note that the software is not a dual-boot option, but a full ROM, similar to Cyanogen and other developers have used to push their operating system to existing devices.

Says Microsoft: "As part of the Windows Insider Program, Microsoft will partner with Xiaomi to offer Windows 10 free downloads to a select group of Xiaomi Mi4 users. Xiaomi Mi4 users will get the ability to flash their phones with the new Windows 10 OS and provide feedback to Xiaomi and Microsoft on their experience. This partnership will allow Xiaomi and Microsoft to get direct user feedback and continue to improve the experience for China. Microsoft is thrilled to see Xiaomi embracing Windows 10 and offering this great value to their customers. We're excited to see the feedback we receive from this audience.

Xiaomi is a leading phone manufacturer in China undergoing significant global expansion. We are excited to partner with them in China and jointly gather feedback from Chinese users on their experience with Windows 10 to jointly collaborate on product and services development for the platform."

If there is to be global availability, that announcement will come over the summer with the launch of Windows 10.


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7 user comments

118.3.2015 16:23

Why would I want to turn my awesome Android phone into a crappy Windows phone? I'm no fanboy, but I don't see the attraction of Windows over Android.

218.3.2015 20:03

Only be worth while if you emulated x86 stuff....

318.3.2015 23:51

The last phone I had that ran a version of Windows was a Samsung Omnia back in '08 or '09. If there was a rom that I could use to put windows 10 on my old Galaxy S3 so I could play with it and try it out, I would be interested. I despised Windows 8 but it looks like Windows 10 may have potential and there is no way I will ever try it on a phone if I have to buy it.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Mar 2015 @ 11:52

419.3.2015 06:44

What a great idea.
We are Windows mobile at home and at work. Tried Android many times but always go back to the solid Windows platform on the mobiles and Surface tablets. Never have any problems with it.

519.3.2015 09:14

Theres windows and then there is windose CEMENT-RT edition..... then again ME was not THAT bad......

619.3.2015 11:32

Considering I have been desperately wanting OS freedom on my portable devices I fully support this move. I want the same range of choices for my portable computers as I do for my Laptops and desktops. This will also put more competition into hardware specs and performance and less on OS features. Soon I would probably run all three. Ubuntu Touch, Win10 and Android. An OS for each of my devices and the best of all worlds.

Edit: I have noticed that being able to run iOS as an option didn't even occur to me. Having never even touched the system is there some advantage that I should know about? I personally feel like all my bases would be covered with just the 3.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Mar 2015 @ 11:36

721.3.2015 08:22

Originally posted by aw2600:
Why would I want to turn my awesome Android phone into a crappy Windows phone? I'm no fanboy, but I don't see the attraction of Windows over Android.
That's the first thing I thought of when I read this article's title! I suppose I can consider myself an Android "fanboy" (what with more devices in my home than I'd care to mention), but I'm also a realist. I passed on picking up a Lumia 430 for $40 at Walmart a few weeks ago, solely on the fact that after looking at the continued lack of unique apps for Windows phones I just didn't see a point to it. I'm a fan of RPG gaming, and after seeing all of 3 Final Fantasy games for a Win phone (and that was IT...3 rpgs for Windows phones...all of which are available on the Play Store too), I laughed and cried at the same time.

Windows phones will NEVER catch on as long as they are focusing on other things besides getting devs to create more unique apps or port existing ones to the platform. They started out being behind iOS and Android, and have done nothing to gain any ground since then.

OH, I also must mention at this point that there are at least 2-3 launchers available for Android that will give your phone the look of a Windows phone (one of them is called Launcher 8 - which comes complete with both static and live tiles on your homescreen), so as you said I see absolutely no reason at all to shackle yourself to Win.

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