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Volvo lets a 4 year old drive and trash a truck with RC

Written by James Delahunty @ 04 Dec 2015 7:23 User comments (2)

Volvo lets a 4 year old drive and trash a truck with RC

To show off how tough its new Volvo FMX is, Volvo allowed a 4 year old girl to drive one with a remote control.
The video was filmed in Serbia in a closed-off gravel pit with all buildings empty, locked and sealed. The remote control system was specially made for the the experiment, which saw little Sophie torture the full-size dump truck and thoroughly enjoy it.

"This live test was set up to demonstrate the sturdiness and mobility of the Volvo FMX," Volvo's video description reads.

"A unique cage construction, cast-iron front plus corners and skidplate of high-grade steel make this a very tough truck indeed. And thanks to Automatic Traction Control – a revolutionary new feature that automatically engages the front axle when you need it – you won't get stuck."

It's an excellent PR stunt for Volvo's product, and worth a watch!

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2 user comments

16.12.2015 01:06

great but i doubt she was really driving

27.12.2015 13:12

I don't see why, megadunderhead. They wanted exactly the vivid test-to-destruction any 4-year-old really knows how to dish out. And it's great PR, so why risk potentially ruining it by not playing completely by the stated rules? I don't see the advantage to Volvo in doing so in any way; the total cost was pretty much in line with the production of a 30-second prime time commercial spot, after all.

Additionally, anyone who doesn't think this was just about as much fun for the engineers and technicians involved has had their childhood surgically removed, that simple. The look on that little girl's face was eminently worth it. The fact that it's also a quite effective ad is just bonus xD !

The moment where she rolls the truck and looks back to see if everything's still OK, and the observers are like, "And?" is hilarious.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Dec 2015 @ 1:22

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