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The first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out!

Written by Matti Robinson @ 14 Apr 2017 12:59 User comments (6)

The first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out!

Disney has released the first official teaser trailer for the next movie in the Star Wars saga. Episode VIII is titled The Last Jedi and will be released for our viewing pleasures in December this year.
The two-minute teaser reveals the balance between soul searching of the Jedi training and pure action of the TIE fighters chasing the Millennium Falcon. Obviously characters such as Rey, Luke Skywalker, Finn, and others – including the crowd favorite BB-8 – from Force Awakens play a big role in December's inevitable blockbuster.

In addition to the gloomy soundtrack and atmosphere, Luke seems to predict a rather grim ending to our beloved Jedis, as does the title frankly. Maybe, just maybe, there's more to it than the demise of Jedis, though.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres on December 15th, 2017.

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6 user comments

114.4.2017 14:29

I'm so excited for this!!!!!

Rogue One was OUTSTANDING in every possible way and I enjoyed more than even Force Awakens.

214.4.2017 22:02


314.4.2017 22:27

I haven't seen ROgue One yet but I'm liking the darker theme.

415.4.2017 10:50

Rogue One starts of slow and ends epic.

516.4.2017 03:14

Originally posted by hearme0:
I'm so excited for this!!!!!

Rogue One was OUTSTANDING in every possible way and I enjoyed more than even Force Awakens.

Maybe it will be like Star Trek... every odd one sucks.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 16 Apr 2017 @ 3:16

619.4.2017 13:39

Originally posted by Bozobub:
I haven't seen ROgue One yet but I'm liking the darker theme.
Rouge One is the best Star Wars movie past the first 3(4,5,6). The prequels had alot of directing trouble and the script was very weak at times Ep7 is a nightmare while it tries to capture the mystery of ep4-6 its a train wreck in other areas. I think the side films like Rouge One and Han solo,ect will be a mega ton better than the main films as they've stopped trying to make them good(kinda how most comic films were shit pre MCU).

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