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Tesla sues employee for alleged sabotage, data leaks

Written by James Delahunty @ 21 Jun 2018 7:15 User comments (1)

Tesla sues employee for alleged sabotage, data leaks

Tesla has filed a lawsuit against a former disgruntled employee for allegedly committing acts of sabotage and data theft against the all-electric automaker.
Earlier this week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent an e-mail to the firm's employees revealing that a fellow employee had modified manufacturing operating system software, and had also stolen sensitive information. Following that e-mail, it has emerged that Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the individual accused.

Filed in a federal court in Nevada, the lawsuit alleges that the former process technician was angry after being reassigned to a different role at the company. The individual is accused of handing over videos and photographs relating to Tesla's manufacturing systems to third parties.

Tesla has suffered "significant and continuing damages" as a result of his actions, the suit alleges. Furthermore, Tesla also accuses the man of making false statements to the press about delays and other things.

The firm is seeking an initial $1 million in damages and other forms of relief, to be determined at trial.

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1 user comment

123.6.2018 00:31

This is all looking pretty shady. First he is saying how happy he is that they got to 3500 cars a week 6 months after he said they would be at 5000, praising employees for improving things so rapidly while also saying that 10% will be fired. Then he says ONE employee sabotaged a production line 'operating system'? and stole give to the companies that HATE Tesla, such as oil companies that would love to see lots of electric cars on the road because that would actually end up increasing demand, other car companies such as Ford that has co-developed models with Tesla, or wall-street short-sellers who for some reason want intellectual property? And now it's all being pinned on a process technician, with a price high enough that the technician will end up being forced to admit guilt in return for them dropping the lawsuit?

I had big hopes for Tesla once...but the house of cards is falling and Musk's solution seems to be to try to shift blame.

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