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Twitter deletes 70 million accounts

Written by James Delahunty @ 10 Jul 2018 6:16 User comments (5)

Twitter deletes 70 million accounts According to the Washington Post, Twitter purged more than 70 million accounts from the service since May.
The purge is part of Twitter's effort to fight against bots operating on its network, and also against "trolls" who abuse the company's terms of service. According to the report, many of the suspicious and fake accounts are remotely controlled bots that present all kinds of problems and threats.

A Twitter spokesperson told the Post that the purge was nothing new and was part of work to improve the health of the public conservation on Twitter.

He added that Twitter also took action against 142,000 applications responsible for spammy tweets on the social network.

As services like Twitter and Facebook take action against fake accounts, those responsible for them tend to change their ways to avoid detection. As new technologies including conversational AI become more widespread, it will be a much more difficult task to determine if an account represents a real individual or not.

Tags: Twitter
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5 user comments

110.7.2018 20:07

I was hoping that they finally deleted Trump's twitter account.....

Wishful thinking?!?

211.7.2018 06:52

Originally posted by ivymike:
I was hoping that they finally deleted Trump's twitter account.....

Wishful thinking?!?
GREAT idea!!

320.7.2018 13:47

I hope Trump keeps tweeting, it just confirms what a blithering idiot he is who is unqualified to be president and commander in chief of the U.S. Armed forces IMO.

424.7.2018 19:16

Originally posted by Semperfipal:
I hope Trump keeps tweeting, it just confirms what a blithering idiot he is who is unqualified to be president and commander in chief of the U.S. Armed forces IMO.
I'll second that. When the tweets stop being recognizable words for a long enough period of time even the clan will stop supporting him.

524.7.2018 19:24

I'm surprised Twitter hasn't already suspended Trump's twit account. He's made threats against people and countries which is a clear violation of Twitter's user agreement. I celebrate the day Mr. Prez gets banned or suspended from Twitter.

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