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YouTube decided: 720p is no longer HD

Written by Petteri Pyyny @ 18 May 2020 7:34 User comments (9)

YouTube decided: 720p is no longer HD

It might sound like a very small change, but it is interesting decision nevertheless. YouTube has recently changed its video quality classification in a way that no longer categorizes 720p video as High Definition (HD) video.
From now on, only videos with 1080p resolution or higher are being listed as HD videos in YouTube listings. This is also visible when user changes the quality of the video playback - there, the small HD label appears only for 1080p and beyond.

YouTube itself hasn't commented on the change, but the trend is pretty clear. A decade ago, yes, 720p could be realistically categorized as "high definition", as most videos were still using 480p resolution (or worse) and 1080p was the de facto best video quality available for most people. But since then, 4K videos have become commonplace, as have TV sets and services that are capable to ourput such videos.

YouTube 720p ei ole enää HD

For comparison, the good olde 720p video has 921'600 pixels in each video frame. Meanwhile, the most common 4K videos, using UHD resolution, have 8 294 400 pixels per frame. Thus, 4K videos have almost ten times higher resolution than 720p videos.

What do you think, should 720p still be classified as HD?

Tags: YouTube
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9 user comments

118.5.2020 12:12

Oh ya ? Well they also decided that any video that flies in the face of the WHO or Fauci is false info. That it in turn needs to be deleted IMMEDIATELY, along with the account. Always looking out for the little people. Thanks YT.

228.5.2020 10:18

Originally posted by The_Fatguy:
Oh ya ? Well they also decided that any video that flies in the face of the WHO or Fauci is false info. That it in turn needs to be deleted IMMEDIATELY, along with the account. Always looking out for the little people. Thanks YT.
Nail on the head, MORE FAKE NEWS turn a truth into their agenda and woola it's the NEW TRUTH! Much like hydroxychloroquine, cheap effective drug which works well, no side effects, more safe than aspirin, but NOW IT KILLS, ya right!

Ya know maybe a wheel doesn't work lets go to a square... Wheels kill!

328.5.2020 14:55

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by The_Fatguy:
Oh ya ? Well they also decided that any video that flies in the face of the WHO or Fauci is false info. That it in turn needs to be deleted IMMEDIATELY, along with the account. Always looking out for the little people. Thanks YT.
Nail on the head, MORE FAKE NEWS turn a truth into their agenda and woola it's the NEW TRUTH! Much like hydroxychloroquine, cheap effective drug which works well, no side effects, more safe than aspirin, but NOW IT KILLS, ya right!

Ya know maybe a wheel doesn't work lets go to a square... Wheels kill!
I am guessing that the "offending" videos were claiming that the pandemic is a hoax and "nothing to worry about" or worse still were showing Trump speeches! People (wrongly in my view) tend to view YouTube as a de facto source of truth and guidance on what to do. Given that they have a responsibility to prevent fake news, especially when it might be dangerous to people.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 28 May 2020 @ 2:57

428.5.2020 16:21

Very odd how that works eh ?

528.5.2020 21:12

Originally posted by gbswales:
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by The_Fatguy:
Oh ya ? Well they also decided that any video that flies in the face of the WHO or Fauci is false info. That it in turn needs to be deleted IMMEDIATELY, along with the account. Always looking out for the little people. Thanks YT.
Nail on the head, MORE FAKE NEWS turn a truth into their agenda and woola it's the NEW TRUTH! Much like hydroxychloroquine, cheap effective drug which works well, no side effects, more safe than aspirin, but NOW IT KILLS, ya right!

Ya know maybe a wheel doesn't work lets go to a square... Wheels kill!
I am guessing that the "offending" videos were claiming that the pandemic is a hoax and "nothing to worry about" or worse still were showing Trump speeches! People (wrongly in my view) tend to view YouTube as a de facto source of truth and guidance on what to do. Given that they have a responsibility to prevent fake news, especially when it might be dangerous to people.
NO they don't have that censorship, nor should they. Plus they are a part of the fake news group, their censorship is of a political agenda, it is not responsible or objective.

The true numbers show that COVID-19 is being used as a political ploy, TOOL. The CDC & WHO have helped in the scare tactic and the cover up of the Chinese negligence, at best, of how this was handled. COVID isn't as contagious as the normal FLU and is ONLY very dangerous to those with issues in their 60's plus, more so 70-80-90's. Now we see how certain parties in our government handle old folks homes making sure sick people were admitted into old folk homes, THAT'S CRIMINAL. As for kids in school they have NOTHING to fear the mortality rate for them is .001%.

We have had much worst pandemics or flu outbreaks that didn't open the government to a fascist dictatorship like they have done here. If you're smart you'll see where the figure is pointing.

629.5.2020 06:07

If you want to go through life believing everything is a conspiracy then you must spend your life looking over your shoulder. Tell me governments are incompetent then I wont argue but I fail to see any logical motivation for them to destroy their own economies

729.5.2020 23:11

Then you may not be as smart as you think you are. However it's not that simple and there are many angles you need to look at. Since you seemed to miss the point to began with then I doubt you'll understand. Such is life...

88.6.2020 11:41

that is too badthat is too bad.So I think the music videos at
palco mp3 2020 also need an upgrade.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Jun 2020 @ 12:10

94.7.2020 10:00

i like this

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