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4Media iPod to PC Transfer v2.1.28.0220

Vista / WinXP
4Media iPod to PC Transfer is a powerful PC to iPod transfer software. It offers iPod to PC transfer of music, photo, video, movie, podcast and TV program. Moreover, iPod to iTunes, and PC to iPod transfer are also supported. All formats compatible with iPod are supported. These functions make it much easier to manage your iPod.


4Media iPod to PC Transfer v2.1.3.0709

Other editions:

4media ipod to pc transfer 4media ipod pc transfer itunes suffle

License type Shareware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 19 Nov 2012
Downloads 6,899
File size 4.45 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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4Media iPod to PC Transfer v3.3.0.1210

I think this is the best software from 4Media. over