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Movie Info Search v1.4.2

Win10 / Win7 / Win8
Movie Info Search is a freeware tool that generates a ton of information about movies you search for.

Information includes:
  • TYPE: Movie, Serie, ...
  • YEAR: Year of Production
  • GENRE: The genre of the movie (Sci-Fi, Thriller, ... for example)
  • RATED: Rating of the movie regarding the Motion Picture Association of America (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) classification. This classification might differ in your country. For example Australia as another type of rating a movie or a serie. Please check the rating of the movie yourself if you don't use the MPAA rating in your country
  • RELEASED: The date of release of the movie or serie
  • RUNTIME: The duration of the movie or serie
  • DIRECTOR: The director's name of the movie
  • WRITER: The writer's name of the movie
  • ACTORS: The actors's name of the movie
  • LANGUAGE: The language used in the movie
  • COUNTRY: The country of origin of the movie (UK, ... for example)
  • AWARDS: The awards this particular movie won and awards nomination if any
  • METASCORE: The higher the metascore the better the public and critics approval, positive review and critics (from 0 to 100)
  • IMDB Rating: a score between 0 and 10, the higher the better the movie regarding audience and critics (IMDB stands for Internet Movie DataBase)
  • IMDB Votes: a figures of expressing how many people has participated to the rating of this movie
  • IMDB ID: the reference number of a movie or serie you can use with IMDB to look for even more information about a particular movie.
  • PLOT: a concise resume of the movie

NOTE: Requires an Internet connection to work properly since it pulls the information from the web.

For 64-bit Windows, download Movie Info Search (64-bit) instead.
Free Download
Movie Info Search v1.4.2Filesize: 2.01 MB


Movie Info Search v1.4.2

movie info search imdb movies tv shows

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 11 Dec 2015
Downloads 106
File size 2.01 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages English  
Operating systems Win10 / Win7 / Win81

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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