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1by1 v1.68

Vista / Win10 / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Tired of creating and updating playlists only to listen to your MP3s? 1by1 is a very small sized audio player which is not only small: It plays whole directories without any playlist. Navigating through your tracks has never been so easy.

-Directory searcher (plays whole drives)
-Full Resume Play (remembers last played track and position)
-Audio dynamics and stereo enhancer
-ACM (MP3), mpglib (MP3, MP2) and Winamp input plugin support
-Explorer like file navigation
-Favorites list
-Cue sheet support

1by1 is small (few dozen kilobytes!), very fast and efficient MP3 player. People will slower PCs or little RAM will be very happy with it. 1by1 is also one of the most handy MP3 players if you have large archives of music on your computer.

Windows ACM codec or MPGLIB.DLL is required for 1by1


1by1 v1.88 1by1 v1.88

Other editions:

ogg mp3 aac musepack player .cue browser

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 11 Jun 2020
Downloads 9,192
File size 124.10 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / Win10 / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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1by1 v1.76

Excellent program that doesnt take rocket science to use. Very, very nice.

22 Oct 2012 All reviews by user pds3
1by1 v1.63

It's a great peace of software. The only knocks I have against is are: 1) even when it's set too, it won't repeat an entire playlist. 2)When you select "Clear List" all it does is hightlight your playlist and nothing else. Other than that it's a great player.

1by1 v1.59

awsome piece of software. the people at mpesch3 done something right. love this software.

1by1 v1.51

I've tried them all, and like everyone I've got iTunes (not least because it handles and catelogues all my files with minimal intervention on my part). But even iTunes is a resource hogging nightmare. I found one by one after searching endlessly for something SIMPLE so that i could play tunes AND do my e-mailing at the SAME time on my Duron (durable as it is, it was having problems...). One by One is something i use EVERYDAY with almost no maintenance. Pay attention to mp4 plugins, that's the one area that will frustrate you if done wrong.

1by1 v1.49

Quick, simple, to the point. No frills. But who needs frills? It loads with absolute unmatched speed. Bravo!