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Nero Micro v8.2.8.0

Vista / WinXP
Nero Micro is a very stripped down version of Nero Burning Rom.

Nero Micro only contains:
  • Nero Burning ROM (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
  • Nero Express

You must have a valid serial to install it correctly and activate it, if not, it will not work.

nero burning rom micro stripped

License type Shareware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 21 Mar 2010
Downloads 228,219
File size 20.02 MB (< 3min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Nero Micro v8.3.20.0 Build

Like this little Tyke

Nero Micro v8.3.13.0 Build

Works good, Nero has a lot of unnecessary stuff with it anyway.

Nero Micro v8.1.1.3

Just installed it to my 1GB USB Flash Drive, tried it out and must say that its extremely reliable. I just wish that the actual Retail version of Nero 7 or 8 was this simplistic but still maintaining the quality of its amazing app.