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Adobe Reader v11.0.8

Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Adobe Reader is free software that allows everyone from business professionals to home users to easily and reliably view, print, and search PDF files using a variety of platforms and devices.
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Adobe Reader v11.0.8Filesize: 73.41 MB


Adobe Reader v11.0.00 Adobe Reader v9.2 Adobe Reader v9.2 Adobe Reader v9.2 Adobe Reader v9.2 Adobe Reader v9.2

adobe reader adobe reader pdf

License type Freeware1
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Date added 16 Aug 2014
Downloads 468,917
File size 73.41 MB (< 10min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages English  
Operating systems Vista / Win7 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Adobe Reader v9.3

Yes it is a bit slow. So turn off the plugins (Google this) you don't need. Other than that, you can't beat the compatibility. Some PDF readers don't do certain features right. I use Okular on Linux but sometimes I need to fallback to Adobe Reader (the Linux binary); on Windows I have this installed and SumatraPDF. The latter is great if you need something really fast but its features are limited. Meanwhile Adobe Reader can read protected embedded fonts (which makes other readers make text look like crap sometimes), and it supports a number of other (DRM-like) features. So you kinda gotta have it, regardless of what OS you run.

Adobe Reader v9.2

Too bloated for my liking,installed foxit reader tho i'm beginning to wonder about that too so have installed sumatra pdf now that's really small & took only 2.5 sec's to install after tapping install button i kid you not

Adobe Reader for Windows XP/Vista v8.1.0

I like the changes that Adobe has made to Reader 8. I think it is user friendly yet also modern looking.
