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CounterSpy v2.5.1040

Win2k / WinXP
CounterSpy is an anti-spyware product, designed to protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous spyware. CounterSpy detects, and then safely removes from your computer spyware, adware, trojans, and keyloggers. CounterSpy is considerably more powerful than most anti-spyware products, and it takes a new approach to fighting and preventing spyware. By identifying and removing spyware, CounterSpy protects you from the negative affects, including slow Internet connections, pop-up advertisements, reduced computer performance, the loss of private information, or even identity theft.


CounterSpy v2.1.946 CounterSpy v2.1.946 CounterSpy v2.1.946 CounterSpy v2.1.946

counterspy anti-spyware pop-up spyware adware trojan keylogger

License type Shareware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 16 Nov 2010
Downloads 7,354
File size 56.49 MB (< 8min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Win2k / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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CounterSpy v2.5.1043

very nice sercuity against spyware so much so that its my favorite =D <br/> <br/>counterspy gives very good protection but uses alot of ram but if u have a sercuity suite u can turn it off completly when u need to run a high ram using app like a game gives next to no false alarms can use alot of cpu at times but thats just good protection has diffrent levels of protection for thoose that hate being annoyed by things constantly coming up but also has a "paranoid" level where nothing can launch without ur say so. <br/> <br/>u can even schedule scan's and it can automatically handle the threats it find also u can leave it so that will wait for ur response on the threats although it's responses on threats r really accurate <br/> <br/>has nice history cleaner in built in it and a system check up for any sercuity risk witch it will genrally find some a nice sercure file eraser to permantly erase a file and a nice feature called pc explorer wher it has a proccess watcher u can see every process runing u can see the start up programs so if there is spyware starting with the pc u can delete its start up entry tells just about everything in there tells u explorer extensions hostfiles and the works truly the best anti spyware there is. <br/> <br/>BAD: <br/>Compatbility: it has some issues with running on a vista ultimat x64 most sercuity apps do but runs great on a xp x86 <br/> <br/>Resources: uses a bit to much resources but the good thing is u can turn it off when u need those reources most anti spywares always run in the background no matter what