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Panda Free Antivirus v1.9.2 Beta

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Panda Free Antivirus is a security service that protects your PC without affecting performance: It always offers maximum performance and only comes into action when it is necessary.

This is the lightest and fastest antivirus service. It combats new threats without the need for updates, as it operates on the basis of Collective Intelligence servers. You won't even notice it is installed.


Panda Free Antivirus v2.0 Panda Free Antivirus v1.9 Beta

panda cloud antivirus virus protect pc fast

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 20 Aug 2016
Downloads 5,926
File size 698.16 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Panda Free Antivirus v16.0.2

This software can crash for half an hour and with minimal skill.