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Version history for ChanSort

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Changes for 2019-11-08 - 2019-11-24

  • LG GlobalClone: Favorites were not loaded correctly into ChanSort
  • LG GlobalClone: some changes that might fix problems where the TV didn't work properly
  • with an importet list (ChanSort now modifies less data in the file)
  • Menu items for hide/unhide, skip/unskip, lock/unlock are now disabled when these features are not supported by the
  • channel list file format
  • Applying a .txt reference list (which doesn't contain information about skip/lock/hide) will no longer clear these
  • flags in the current channel list

Changes for v2019-08-29 - 2019-11-08

  • mark channel as deleted (which prevents them from being re-added by the TV as if were a new channel)
  • remove channel from the file (at the risk that a TV's auto update will add it again)
  • append the channel at the end of the list (when possible as hidden and skipped)

Changes for 2019-08-05 - v2019-08-29

  • fixed: some UHD channels did not show up in the list, which caused corrupted Panasonic channel lists (dupe numbers)
  • fixed: Samsung SCM DVB-T lists did not show radio channels
  • fixed: print caption of a favorites list was off by a letter (printed "Fav B" when it should have been "Fav A")
  • internal restructuring and added automated unit-test for most file formats

Changes for 2019-07-25 - 2019-08-05

  • added partial support for Philips .xml channel lists
  • (There are MANY different file formats, only a few are currently supported)
  • fixed "most-recently-used" getting reversed every time the program was started
  • added "UTF-8 (Unicode)" character set to menu
  • fixed disappearing columns when loading different channel lists without restarting the application

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