AfterDawn: Tech news

Active Users

Twitter has 140 million active users
Twitter has 140 million active users
Twitter has 140 million active users, although inactive accounts are much higher. On the eve of the company's sixth birthday, the micro-blogging ...... 22 Mar 2012 - 20 comments
Under 1 million Google TV devices are actively used
Under 1 million Google TV devices are actively used
According to info hidden in Google's own data, there are less than 1 million Google TV devices being actively used. Also notable is the fact ...... 29 Feb 2012 - 1 comment
Twitter reaches 100 million active users
Twitter reaches 100 million active users
The popular microblogging service also sees strong growth in mobile usage. According to CEO Dick Costolo, there are about 100 million active ...... 08 Sep 2011

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