
Following anti-ACTA protests last Saturday, the Martin Shulz, president of the EU Parliament, denounced ACTA's lack of balance and protection of Individual rights.

Could an anti-ACTA movement have a similar effect to the anti-SOPA/PIPA protests last month? Politicians appear to be betting against it.

European Union officials are denying the public access to an official legal opinion being delivered to the Committee on International Trade.

US Senator Ron Wyden sent a letter to President Obama saying he may not enter into an Intellectual Property agreement without Congressional approval.

ACTA would give copyright holders unprecedented control over the development and distribution of new technology

The EU will not be participating in a signing ceremony for the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) intellectual property treat according ......

ACTA, the secretly negotiated agreement to strengthen intellectual property laws and enforcement, will be signed on October 1 at a ceremony in Japan.