AfterDawn: Tech news

Apple, Samsung & Sandisk sued for patent infringement

Written by James Delahunty @ 26 Feb 2007 7:49 User comments (7)

Apple, Samsung & Sandisk sued for patent infringement Apple Computer Inc., Samsung and Sandisk Corporation have been sued for allegedly infringing an MP3-related patent. The lawsuit was filed by Texas MP3 Technologies, a little known firm. It was filed in Marshall, Texas, a city that is becoming a hot spot for these cases due to its speedy process and tendency to be sympathetic of the plaintiff's claims.
The patent in question is U.S. patent 7,065,417, which was originally awarded to iPod chip-maker SigmaTel in June of last year. It covers "an MPEG portable sound reproducing system and a method for reproducing sound data compressed using the MPEG method." SigmaTel apparently passed the patent to a Dallas, Texas-based patent licensing agency shortly after receiving rights to it.

"Because these are such basic patents to digital music, we believe it will be difficult to design around these patents and have a commercially viable player," SigmaTel said in a statement at the time. It is not clear whether Texas MP3 Technologies is that specific Dallas-based company or if it acquired it from another source.


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7 user comments

126.2.2007 10:38

Hey here is an idea...

I should patent a 'delivery system that transfer fuel from one source and places it within a recpectacle for consumption or processing that also provides for easy removal of the residual fuel waste left behind after use'

Based upon that patent I could sue gas stations, military re-fueling jets, tankers, boats....heck even PEOPLE since the above could be viewed as a description of food delivery, GI proccessing and waster removal either throught the urinary tract or colon!

I see it now: Hey! did you just Fart? You owe me $5 for my patent!


226.2.2007 11:22

I just sh*t myself after reading your post.

How much do i owe u and where do i sent the cheque ?

326.2.2007 11:39

its nice to see these big companies fight it out over property rights

its a pity its only really us (the consumer) that will pay in the end
with higher prices

426.2.2007 11:54

Come on guys, there is no Apple "computer" Inc. anymore. Sheesh doesn't everyone have the keynote speeches on loop somewhere. Get with the program, foshizzle my nizzle.

526.2.2007 16:05

I doubt much will coem of it the corperatins have all the power and will only have to pay pennies on the dollar

626.2.2007 21:11

@ MightyOne: Thank you for your honesty! If you would kindly Paypal me $10 flat usuage fee and then $1.99 per ounce that would be great!

@ the rest of you: Don't be violating my patent now! I KNOW you have all been using it if not today at the very least for YEARS! Save yourself the trouble and settle now to avoid lenghty and costly litigation and higher priced fines and lawsuits! If you will admit that you have violated my rights and pay me, oh lets see, say $5000 USD then we can put this all behind us...ok?

...Hey it worked for the RIAA right? LOL

726.2.2007 22:53

that is so freaking funny lol

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