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PlayStation Move headed to PCs

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 02 Feb 2011 12:51 User comments (4)

PlayStation Move headed to PCs Sony is set to bring the PlayStation Move motion controller to the PC this month, as part of the "Move Server" project.
At the GDC, Sony America's John McCutchan will discuss the device:

This talk will bring developers up to speed on developing for the PlayStation Move controller. We will cover developing for the new PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter accessory. We will discuss the new Move Server project that will make it possible for academics and hobbyists to develop software using the PlayStation Move controller on their own PCs.

That is all the info that is available so far on the Move Server, but it should become much more clear after the event.

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4 user comments

12.2.2011 08:24

anyone else think the move is a big fail ?

22.2.2011 12:20


Originally posted by JGJD2001:
anyone else think the move is a big fail ?
Might be interesting, but i can see fail mainly because the controller still needs games and apps to use it, best i can see it would replace a joystick or mouse? If so then i still think the the mouse or joystick will often be better.

Which touches on another thing, companies will want to write an app/game using single source if possible. As a huge PC gamer, any game i'm seen using XNA to single source it has itself been full of fail. I loved one PC game then the company wanted a console version of it too, so out came version 2 for both the PC & XBox, the PC version was dumbed down to where i didn't like it, and XBOX people complained it was still focused toward the PC and issuing commands where hard. Reminds me of a good quote... "When you try to be all things for all people... You quickly become nothing for everyone!"

33.2.2011 05:39

im not sure - could be great. i have personally ordered a sharpshooter and intend to buy killzone3 to see what its like. it might not be quite as accurate as a mouse but i bet its much more realistic feeling and with the gestures you get an extra dimension of reality.

console pads are massive fail for fps gaming - needing auto aim etc - they just arent anywhere near as accurate as they need to be to compete with a mouse. i think if you can hook up psmove and assign it like a mouse and the same with the nav controller you could possibly use them for all fps games quite easily. fps on pc are great for accuracy (with mouse) but the WASD isnt the best for movement. something like analogue movement and super precise control of the ps move wand could revitalise FPS gaming.

you could also then merge pc and console fps as you wouldnt have to dumb down controls for pad users (the reason we havent seen consoles and pcs playing fps together as consolers get creamed by mouse users)

it would also get people like my wife playing fps as she is painful to watch on games like fallout on ps3.

i also have my pc hooked up to my home cinema and 42" HDTV but playing with mouse and kb sat on a couch isnt that great an experience.

43.2.2011 10:44

Originally posted by babelfish:
im not sure - could be great. i have personally ordered a sharpshooter and intend to buy killzone3 to see what its like. it might not be quite as accurate as a mouse but i bet its much more realistic feeling and with the gestures you get an extra dimension of reality.

console pads are massive fail for fps gaming - needing auto aim etc - they just arent anywhere near as accurate as they need to be to compete with a mouse. i think if you can hook up psmove and assign it like a mouse and the same with the nav controller you could possibly use them for all fps games quite easily. fps on pc are great for accuracy (with mouse) but the WASD isnt the best for movement. something like analogue movement and super precise control of the ps move wand could revitalise FPS gaming.

you could also then merge pc and console fps as you wouldnt have to dumb down controls for pad users (the reason we havent seen consoles and pcs playing fps together as consolers get creamed by mouse users)

it would also get people like my wife playing fps as she is painful to watch on games like fallout on ps3.

i also have my pc hooked up to my home cinema and 42" HDTV but playing with mouse and kb sat on a couch isnt that great an experience.
As a self confessed couch potatoe myself I achieve all that with a MS wireless adapter, X360 controller, wireless trackball keyboard, wireless/bluetooth laser mouse and the superlative Xpadder application.

Also thrown into the mix is a 50" and a HTS fitted with a HD5970.

But alas, the wife, she still no want to play :(

Unless it's a racer, requiring the MS wireless racing wheel... then I don't get a look in. :P

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 03 Feb 2011 @ 10:46

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