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Showtime to remove top shows from Netflix after restructured deal

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Mar 2011 11:30 User comments (5)

Showtime to remove top shows from Netflix after restructured deal

Showtime and Netflix have agreed to a new content deal this week, restructuring the current deal which ends during the summer.
With the new deal, two of Showtime's most popular shows, "Dexter" and "Californication" will be removed from the streaming "Watch Instantly" catalog of Netflix.

Episodes of "current originals" will now be available through the channel's "authenticated broadband service" Showtime Anytime.

Not all is lost, however, as the deal will add "The Tudors," "Sleeper Cell" and other shows to Netflix.

Says the premium channel (via reuters):

Current and past seasons of our original series will be available to our authenticated subscribers via our TV Everywhere service Showtime Anytime. A number of Showtime original series will continue to be available and stream on Netflix, including 'The Tudors' and 'Sleeper Cell,' among others.

Netflix has just announced the purchase of their first original series, buying a full two seasons of the David Fincher directed drama "House of Cards."

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5 user comments

123.3.2011 21:58

That sucks, cuz Dexter is about the only good thing about Showtime.

224.3.2011 11:58

Oh noes!! Now how will I ever download the latest episode of "Whatever" a few hours after it airs................ or a couple of hours after that for the 720p version?

{Adopts classic Dr Evil pose.}


324.3.2011 12:03

Originally posted by Jemborg:
Oh noes!! Now how will I ever download the latest episode of "Whatever" a few hours after it airs................ or a couple of hours after that for the 720p version?

{Adopts classic Dr Evil pose.}

That may be true, but you must admit it is much easier to stream 5 seasons of Dexter with the click of a button than downloading 30GB worth of files first.

425.3.2011 16:23

Originally posted by baxter00:
That sucks, cuz Dexter is about the only good thing about Showtime.
I would have to agree...

525.3.2011 17:05

Did a post of mine get removed here or did I forget to hit send?

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