AfterDawn: Tech news

Spanish authorities arrest three 'Anonymous' numbers over PSN hack

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Jun 2011 12:48 User comments (49)

Spanish authorities arrest three 'Anonymous' numbers over PSN hack Authorities in Spain have arrested three members of the hacking group Anonymous, each of which was allegedly part of the attack on the PlayStation Network where a file was found on the server with Anonymous' calling card.
The arrests follow a plot by the group to attack Spain’s Central Electoral Board website, among other Spanish sites.

Police have posted pictures of IRC chatlogs in which the suspects detail their plans of attack.

The authorities also note that those arrested "have the capacity to make decisions and direct attacks," and were actively involved in the attacks on the PSN, Egypt, Chile, Iran and Colombia.

This week's arrests come just days after NATO declared Anonymous a cyberthreat that would be "persecuted" and "infiltrated."

Anonymous responded in kind:

Do not make the mistake of believing you can behead a headless snake. If you slice off one head of Hydra, ten more heads will grow in its place. If you cut down one Anon, ten more will join us purely out of anger at your trampling of dissent.

(Pic of Spanish police with Anonymous 'V' masks via TNW)

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49 user comments

110.6.2011 13:05

Eh guess we all knew this was coming...

210.6.2011 13:18

now they’re going to prison, it’ll be there turn to get ‘breached’

hope more are found & dealt with. codemasters has been hacked as well now.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Jun 2011 @ 10:41

310.6.2011 13:23

Can't help but wonder who of them leaked 'what' channel of IRC that Anon was going to do anything in Spain? And what was Spain doing that was so evil at the time that they were at a heightened state of awareness that they (Spain) deemed it necessary to monitor every inch of traffic on IRC?

Then there's my own curiosity... Can't you encrypt a chat room (sort of)? So if these guys are doing something hinkey, wouldn't they want to cover their asses a bit better than, "Hey guys! Meet over at my place for some beers!".

At first glance at the source article it almost seemed like someone handed out flyers at the local pub for anyone to join. Kind of like sending a road map to the DEA telling them where the dope drop is taking place.

410.6.2011 17:45

I thought they caught 3 people? All I see is a mask that looks similar to Jason or Scream....haha

510.6.2011 18:02

Well can't be free forever do the things they did, if you wanted to hurt sony just start deving and exploiting the system instead of taking down services.

610.6.2011 18:21

Originally posted by LordRuss:

Then there's my own curiosity... Can't you encrypt a chat room (sort of)? So if these guys are doing something hinkey, wouldn't they want to cover their asses a bit better than, "Hey guys! Meet over at my place for some beers!".

Yes. You can encrypt your communications over irc. All the others would see would be gibberish. You'd need the decrypt key to understand whats being said (google "fish irc encryption"). BUT if this particular group was infiltrated then the encrypting wouldn't matter because whoever took the screenshots had the decrypting key. And if they didnt encrypt... well thats what you get.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Jun 2011 @ 6:22

710.6.2011 20:31

Glad to finally see some arrests being made.

810.6.2011 21:39

Originally posted by RichardvonBacon:
Originally posted by LordRuss:

Then there's my own curiosity... Can't you encrypt a chat room (sort of)? So if these guys are doing something hinkey, wouldn't they want to cover their asses a bit better than, "Hey guys! Meet over at my place for some beers!".

Yes. You can encrypt your communications over irc. All the others would see would be gibberish. You'd need the decrypt key to understand whats being said (google "fish irc encryption"). BUT if this particular group was infiltrated then the encrypting wouldn't matter because whoever took the screenshots had the decrypting key. And if they didnt encrypt... well thats what you get.
Under that premise (if it were to be true) then there is the possibility that the hackers got what would people then say about that I wonder.

911.6.2011 00:07

Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by RichardvonBacon:
Originally posted by LordRuss:

Then there's my own curiosity... Can't you encrypt a chat room (sort of)? So if these guys are doing something hinkey, wouldn't they want to cover their asses a bit better than, "Hey guys! Meet over at my place for some beers!".

Yes. You can encrypt your communications over irc. All the others would see would be gibberish. You'd need the decrypt key to understand whats being said (google "fish irc encryption"). BUT if this particular group was infiltrated then the encrypting wouldn't matter because whoever took the screenshots had the decrypting key. And if they didnt encrypt... well thats what you get.
Under that premise (if it were to be true) then there is the possibility that the hackers got what would people then say about that I wonder.
Then I suppose I would say, "Their nerds are better than our nerds?"

1011.6.2011 00:08

Crap!!! I almost pulled a faux paux of double posting. Not only would it have been the same line, but the same crappy punch line at that...

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2011 @ 12:10

1111.6.2011 01:06

"Authorities in Spain have arrested three members of the hacking group Anonymous..."

That line really frustrates me. There is no hacking group named anonymous. Anyone who does anything anonymously online is technically part of the anonymous collective. There's no leader, there's no meeting place... If you are online anonymously you are anonymous.

It's like saying, "Authorities in Spain have arrested three humans who use the internet"

1211.6.2011 05:53

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Kind of like sending a road map to the DEA telling them where the dope drop is taking place.
there was a guy at a country pub that asked a man that he was having a drink with if the guy could help him move some stuff.the guy agreed (they'd only just met at the pub).they went and moved a dope crop the guy he'd met at the pub turned out to be an undercover cop and they got busted.

as for anonymous they denied being behind the psn hack and in time we will see if the police has any proof of any of the so called hacks they were charged for.

as for the mask looks like the one in the movie V for vendetta.

1311.6.2011 06:09

What pisses me off is the use of the word "hacker"...they are using it to describe a criminal act, and that just isn't fair.

It is like saying, "Police have arrested three drivers"...sure, if they were getaway drivers for a crime, then they are criminals...but you don't charge them with driving, you charge them with the crime they helped with.

I am a hacker...I design things to make products work better. By means of this overused term, I am lumped into the same category as someone who steals credit card numbers for a living. There was a time when people like me were called engineers and inventors...but since I don't work for a multi-national corporation, I am called a hacker.

From what I gather, the three persons in question were only involved in Denial of Service attacks...the digital version of a picket line. Considering the massive protests that are raging in the streets of Spain, and the baseless arrests and attacks on peaceful protestors by the police, it is hardly a surprise to see that same government arresting people for non-malicious forms of hacking like this.

Welcome to 1984...government whistle-blowers get charged with treason...peaceful protestors get arrested, beaten, and occasionally killed...EU members are getting assaulted for trying to gain entry into Bilderberg, and I have lost track of how many wars my country has started just in the last month...I think I better buy some canned food and extra bullets...the s**t is about to hit the fan.

1411.6.2011 06:30

" Do not make the mistake of believing you can behead a headless snake. If you slice off one head of Hydra, ten more heads will grow in its place "

Well the answer to that , all you anon sweeties, is learn how to use the english language correctly. You can't say you are headless and then say you are a multi-headed hydra lol idiots !

1511.6.2011 07:35

Yeah...the whole quote is messed up; like saying that arresting an anon will bring in 10 new anons...that is BS...arresting an anon will bring in hundreds (if not thousands) of new members.

1611.6.2011 07:48

@KillerBug good all the more to find :) they cause more damage than just taking credit card numbers maybe one day you will wake up when your life savings have been cleared out buy one of your hero hackers.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2011 @ 7:53

1711.6.2011 11:39

Originally posted by brockie:
@KillerBug good all the more to find :) they cause more damage than just taking credit card numbers maybe one day you will wake up when your life savings have been cleared out buy one of your hero hackers.
i believe if they took your life savings they wouldnt be consider a hacker they'd be considered a theif.hacking is something which involves a hack (wether criminal or not).stealing involves taking something which belongs to someone else without there permission(such as someone life savings).to label all hackers criminals is stero-typing.labelling someone a criminal when they havnt admitted committing a crime or been convicted of a crime is wrong.technically police could charge anyone at anytime anywhere of a crime.

1811.6.2011 11:50



1. a person or thing that hacks.
2. Slang . a person who engages in an activity without talent or skill: weekend hackers on the golf course.
3. Computer Slang .
a. a computer enthusiast.
b. a microcomputer user who attempts to gain unauthorized access to proprietary computer systems.

Per definition 3 both uses of hacker are correct. Unless you don't see the "unauthorized access" as a crime which in these $ony break-ins it clearly was.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2011 @ 11:54

1911.6.2011 11:56

Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by RichardvonBacon:
Originally posted by LordRuss:

Then there's my own curiosity... Can't you encrypt a chat room (sort of)? So if these guys are doing something hinkey, wouldn't they want to cover their asses a bit better than, "Hey guys! Meet over at my place for some beers!".

Yes. You can encrypt your communications over irc. All the others would see would be gibberish. You'd need the decrypt key to understand whats being said (google "fish irc encryption"). BUT if this particular group was infiltrated then the encrypting wouldn't matter because whoever took the screenshots had the decrypting key. And if they didnt encrypt... well thats what you get.
Under that premise (if it were to be true) then there is the possibility that the hackers got what would people then say about that I wonder.
That's a good point and that would mean the good guys are bad too, as they are breaking some of the same laws as well.

But this isn't about members of a group it is about capturing the numbers as stated in the title of this article;

Spanish authorities arrest three 'Anonymous' numbers over PSN hack


2011.6.2011 13:47

Wow... A cyber criminal relives me of what little money I have; sure, I would love to twist their little nuts off with a rusty pair of vise grips for their efforts. Having busted my ass for a second bachelors degree as an Industrial designer, I too am considered a 'hacker' of sorts, so I kind of take a bit of offense with the negativity now attached as KillerBug seems to feel.

Now that Webster has allowed for a legalized contradictory use of the word I suppose I'm going to have to get over it.

And as for Anonymous... I'm starting to think these guys aren't as bright as they seem to think they are. Adversely, the organization truly is well organized; in that they have 'bullet catchers' in place for such emergencies. It's not a popular combat technique, but one used in order to save your best team members. Could be these individuals we sacrificial lambs or screw ups & were just served up to buy time for a bigger scheme.

Remember you read it here first.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2011 @ 1:51

2111.6.2011 14:24

@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.

2211.6.2011 14:42

Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
It can be stealing but most certainly it is B&E (Breaking and Entering)!
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2011 @ 2:43

2311.6.2011 14:43

@brockie... Actually, by most legal definitions it is called literally "breaking & entering". Obviously, punishable. It should be no worse than as if somebody came physically into your home or automobile, whatever & violated your physical space.

Once that individual "takes" something from your environment, THEN it's "theft" not until then. It's not RAPE until "penetration"; it's assault by whatever degree of contact until penetration.

That's what makes most legal systems so F&#*^$ed up. You can't really get the beat down on a perpetrator like they deserve it because of bullshit arguments just like I described. Thus old farts like me sit around & become jaded with society & complain till we fade away or become another victim of what the world is/has become. That or things really haven't changed, it's that they are becoming more apparent or technology has changed things into a different game.

2411.6.2011 15:18

Although law can be bullshit there needs to be preponderance so I don't totally agree with your statement of bullshit. We see how when it is easy to prosecute more innocent people get thrown into jail. That is more unjust then not getting all of the criminals, I think. Also this world will never be safe and those that think it will are just delusional. I'm an old fart too!

2511.6.2011 15:48

There in lies the conundrum. "it isn't a safe world". I.e., the basis for my 'bullshit' comment. Not that 'law' itself is BS; although I feel that the human condition has twisted it into that very thing. Law once 'was' a form management and a basis for some deterrence. It just doesn't seem be the case any longer.

It just seems that 'guilty' individuals of lesser crimes are serving a sentence while heinous criminals are seeming to still intermingle with the rest of us, thus the increased whine-age; at least from my end & a few from the possibly quieter other followers.

2611.6.2011 18:11

Do you really think that a group like Anon that they are professionals and know what they do, they will let a folder called "Anonymous" in SOny's server hahahaha Hell no! That wasn't Anonymous. Sony is just blaming them because they cant find the real hackers.

2711.6.2011 21:31

Originally posted by elflaco91:
Do you really think that a group like Anon that they are professionals and know what they do, they will let a folder called "Anonymous" in SOny's server hahahaha Hell no! That wasn't Anonymous. Sony is just blaming them because they cant find the real hackers.
What the hell are you talking about? If you're speaking in broad terms, then yeah, I suppose I get your joke... Otherwise, maybe you should; oh, I don't know, build up to your punchline instead of just dropping your audience with, "...and Bobby slipped in dog shit!"

You know, dinner and a movie dude...

2811.6.2011 22:21

It's a rant that has been going on for some time I didn't think it even deserved being addressed again Russ, but your right.

2911.6.2011 22:34

Originally posted by Joshewah:
"Authorities in Spain have arrested three members of the hacking group Anonymous..."

That line really frustrates me. There is no hacking group named anonymous. Anyone who does anything anonymously online is technically part of the anonymous collective. There's no leader, there's no meeting place... If you are online anonymously you are anonymous.

It's like saying, "Authorities in Spain have arrested three humans who use the internet"
Three internet users suspected of PSN breach, does that sound better?

3012.6.2011 00:23

@Killer Bug
Man, get your head from out of your behind.You are talking about infiltrating and monkeying with someone else's property. As such, there in no non-maliscious hacking. Stop being cowards, hiding behind annonimity, and take your protest to the street. This so called protest is no protest at all; it's criminal activity! Sorry for the soap box but we need to stop playing around with these cry babies. Just saying!

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 12 Jun 2011 @ 12:24

3112.6.2011 07:19

Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
if information is taken it is stealing (as info was stolen).mr movies i agree with you on the breaking and entering.might even be considered criminal trespass.what i meant was if someone hacks something they own or in a non criminal way they are still considered a hacker even though they have not commited a crime.hackers are being labelled as criminals regardless of wether they have actually broken the law.

3212.6.2011 07:54

Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
if information is taken it is stealing (as info was stolen).mr movies i agree with you on the breaking and entering.might even be considered criminal trespass.what i meant was if someone hacks something they own or in a non criminal way they are still considered a hacker even though they have not commited a crime.hackers are being labelled as criminals regardless of wether they have actually broken the law.
Your right if you reverse engineer or modify something you own it should not be against the law in my mind but unfortunately big business disagrees and the courts seem to go with the money so what can you do.

3312.6.2011 10:40

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
It's a rant that has been going on for some time I didn't think it even deserved being addressed again Russ, but your right.
Thanks for the heads up... I read him late in the evening... meds kicked in... nurse was pushing my wheelchair away at the last minute... then the flashbacks of a Floyd concert I supposedly worked kicked in again...

3412.6.2011 11:46

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
if information is taken it is stealing (as info was stolen).mr movies i agree with you on the breaking and entering.might even be considered criminal trespass.what i meant was if someone hacks something they own or in a non criminal way they are still considered a hacker even though they have not commited a crime.hackers are being labelled as criminals regardless of wether they have actually broken the law.
Your right if you reverse engineer or modify something you own it should not be against the law in my mind but unfortunately big business disagrees and the courts seem to go with the money so what can you do.
As I have mentioned a number of time. There's nothing wrong with modifying things you own, but if the things you're working eventually replicated by a lot of other people and there's a potential threat to the society, then there will be laws to stop such modifications (guns, cars etc.)

Gaming consoles are not that serious, granted, but as the online usage/functionality expands, there will be laws. It's not saying you can't modify, just that the line is drawn (it's already been discussed everywhere). You can do whatever you want with the console, the knowledge to modify can be used both ways and I hate to say it, most people use such knowledge for their personal gains (let it be pirating games or stealing other users' account info).

3512.6.2011 16:26

Originally posted by Gnawnivek:
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
if information is taken it is stealing (as info was stolen).mr movies i agree with you on the breaking and entering.might even be considered criminal trespass.what i meant was if someone hacks something they own or in a non criminal way they are still considered a hacker even though they have not commited a crime.hackers are being labelled as criminals regardless of wether they have actually broken the law.
Your right if you reverse engineer or modify something you own it should not be against the law in my mind but unfortunately big business disagrees and the courts seem to go with the money so what can you do.
As I have mentioned a number of time. There's nothing wrong with modifying things you own, but if the things you're working eventually replicated by a lot of other people and there's a potential threat to the society, then there will be laws to stop such modifications (guns, cars etc.)

Gaming consoles are not that serious, granted, but as the online usage/functionality expands, there will be laws. It's not saying you can't modify, just that the line is drawn (it's already been discussed everywhere). You can do whatever you want with the console, the knowledge to modify can be used both ways and I hate to say it, most people use such knowledge for their personal gains (let it be pirating games or stealing other users' account info).
I don't know about that I like the fact that you can take a Ruger and mil a part or two to make it fully automatic without going through all of the red tape nonsense to get one legally. But then I don't think I should have to register my guns either, this new P.C. world kind of sucks! :)

3612.6.2011 19:51

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by Gnawnivek:
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
Originally posted by brockie:
@xboxdvl2 if you think breaking into sites is not stealing then that is up to you to me it is stealing.
if information is taken it is stealing (as info was stolen).mr movies i agree with you on the breaking and entering.might even be considered criminal trespass.what i meant was if someone hacks something they own or in a non criminal way they are still considered a hacker even though they have not commited a crime.hackers are being labelled as criminals regardless of wether they have actually broken the law.
Your right if you reverse engineer or modify something you own it should not be against the law in my mind but unfortunately big business disagrees and the courts seem to go with the money so what can you do.
As I have mentioned a number of time. There's nothing wrong with modifying things you own, but if the things you're working eventually replicated by a lot of other people and there's a potential threat to the society, then there will be laws to stop such modifications (guns, cars etc.)

Gaming consoles are not that serious, granted, but as the online usage/functionality expands, there will be laws. It's not saying you can't modify, just that the line is drawn (it's already been discussed everywhere). You can do whatever you want with the console, the knowledge to modify can be used both ways and I hate to say it, most people use such knowledge for their personal gains (let it be pirating games or stealing other users' account info).
I don't know about that I like the fact that you can take a Ruger and mil a part or two to make it fully automatic without going through all of the red tape nonsense to get one legally. But then I don't think I should have to register my guns either, this new P.C. world kind of sucks! :)

It's also not very difficult to make a Glock fully auto...the only problem is, if you get caught with a firearm that does not have the proper Class 3 attached to it, well ~ that would be an instant prison sentence.

3713.6.2011 09:25

Could be just a scapegoat too. Authorities would rather blame an innocent man than not get credit for finding any culprit.

3813.6.2011 11:03
Unverified new user

is it really so hard to believe what anon really is? honestly membership is as simple as "i want to be in anonymous" your in. there is NO leadership. they may have been members but that doesn't mean that this was related. its really not the overall style of anon, plus if it was an attack by them in (what they deem to be) righteous fury they would have owned the attack. it really just seems like a scapegoat thing. its easy to pin on them because they are what they are. they have been needling people and now that something happens that doesn't have 'reasoning' behind it guess who gets the blame. its really OK though, the more this persists the more people that were inclined to agree with anon will see right through it and become anon.

3913.6.2011 13:21

Do people even care about scapegoats? The tactic is nothing new (they catch the right people or not). What's new is that cyber attacks are now center of attention, there will be consequences other than empty talk.

4013.6.2011 14:41

Good Lord I mentioned meds & a Ruger popped Up!!!

4113.6.2011 18:28

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Good Lord I mentioned meds & a Ruger popped Up!!!
Maybe you need more meds? LOL

4213.6.2011 19:42

Always wanted to fill the gun cabinet...

4313.6.2011 20:29

It's a new age when you and I were kids be brought knifes to school, ran around the neighborhood with sling-shots, wrist-rockets, bows & arrows, we made firecrackers and carried matches. In today’s world we would be considered terrorists and insane criminals especially if we didn't wear our bicycle helmet. What a joke huh!

4413.6.2011 20:41

I don't know about your area but when hunting season came around my high school allowed us to bring our rifles in with us so we could go right to the stands after class.

People would freak these days. I had a rifle in the rack in the back and 2 pistols in the glove. thought nothing of it for the longest time. Still wouldn't. Still didn't while I was in the military.

Man did things change. Kinda sucky now... ish.

4513.6.2011 20:56

Originally posted by LordRuss:
I don't know about your area but when hunting season came around my high school allowed us to bring our rifles in with us so we could go right to the stands after class.

People would freak these days. I had a rifle in the rack in the back and 2 pistols in the glove. thought nothing of it for the longest time. Still wouldn't. Still didn't while I was in the military.

Man did things change. Kinda sucky now... ish.
Yes we could do that too plus we had a fire arms class as well which was big time fun. I get a kick out of some of my relatives, you even mention guns and they disappear like you’re going to go on some rampage.

It is sucky these days, actually I'd say I'm around a bunch of chicken shits. I've walked through streets all over the world in very nasty places without many problems and people here are afraid to walk through their neighborhood, again what a joke!

4614.6.2011 23:29

These guys just don't seem to understand that pissing people off is a surefire way to get gain the wrong kind of attention. NATO has already marked them as being considered cyber terrorist. That means ever one of them that is caught, bypasses the hacker issue altogether in court, and goes straight to international terrorist, which carries far heftier penalties than simple hacking does. Anonymous isn't too bright, probably why they are called Anonymous. They couldn't come up with a better name.

4714.6.2011 23:29

These guys just don't seem to understand that pissing people off is a surefire way to get gain the wrong kind of attention. NATO has already marked them as being considered cyber terrorist. That means ever one of them that is caught, bypasses the hacker issue altogether in court, and goes straight to international terrorist, which carries far heftier penalties than simple hacking does. Anonymous isn't too bright, probably why they are called Anonymous. They couldn't come up with a better name.

4815.6.2011 09:05

I don't understand those people keep on telling others what Anonymous is/are either. I kept bumping into those comments like "there's no Anonymous, the authorities just don't get it, you can't server the snake's head when there's none." etc... Hmmm, okay?

4916.6.2011 03:16

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
It's a new age when you and I were kids be brought knifes to school, ran around the neighborhood with sling-shots, wrist-rockets, bows & arrows, we made firecrackers and carried matches. In today’s world we would be considered terrorists and insane criminals especially if we didn't wear our bicycle helmet. What a joke huh!
i was in high school from 1998 until 2001.if we got caught with fire crackers they take the student in the office have the cops come in and question the student.eventually the local fireworks shop got shut down cause the cops fined the owners for selling fireworks to teenagers.

back on topic.people like scape makes the authorities look like they are actually doing something.

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