The suit was filed last year by Oracle following their purchase of Sun Microsystems, the creators of Java. It alleges Google willfully infringed on Sun patents and copyrights.
The meetings are part of a court effort to force the two sides into reaching a settlement. Oracle's Larry Ellison and Larry Page of Google were ordered to attend the conference personally by US Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal earlier this month.
They were also instructed to make themselves available for additional conferences which could be required between now and the end of the month.
At the heart of the suit is Android's Dalvik Virtual Machine, which is a core component of the OS. The Dalvik VM is based on an open source implementation of the Java VM developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
If their lawsuit is successful, Oracle could be entitled to a license fee for every Android device sold and each copy of the Android SDK distributed. The SDK is used both for app development and end user device management.
Google argues that Sun's handling of the JVM open source certification process and the delay of three years between the introduction of Android and the lawsuit makes Oracle ineligible for either injuctive relief or monetary damages.
The meetings are part of a court effort to force the two sides into reaching a settlement. Oracle's Larry Ellison and Larry Page of Google were ordered to attend the conference personally by US Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal earlier this month.
They were also instructed to make themselves available for additional conferences which could be required between now and the end of the month.
At the heart of the suit is Android's Dalvik Virtual Machine, which is a core component of the OS. The Dalvik VM is based on an open source implementation of the Java VM developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
If their lawsuit is successful, Oracle could be entitled to a license fee for every Android device sold and each copy of the Android SDK distributed. The SDK is used both for app development and end user device management.
Google argues that Sun's handling of the JVM open source certification process and the delay of three years between the introduction of Android and the lawsuit makes Oracle ineligible for either injuctive relief or monetary damages.