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iPad 3 to feature quad-core processor, LTE support, Retina Display

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 Jan 2012 12:40 User comments (6)

iPad 3 to feature quad-core processor, LTE support, Retina Display According to Bloomberg, the upcoming iPad 3 will go on sale in March with much upgraded features.
The tablet will see a bump to a quad-core processor, have LTE 4G support, and a high-resolution Retina Display at 2048x1536.

Manufacturing partners in Asia have already begun producing the device with expected peak volumes to be hit in February.

Retina Display, says Bloomberg, will "have pixels small enough to make the images look like printed material, according to the person. Videos begin playing almost instantly because of the additional graphics processing."

Apple has sold over 40 million iPads in just two years, making it the clear market leader.

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6 user comments

114.1.2012 00:46

overkill resolution?

214.1.2012 01:44

Videos begin playing almost instantly because of the additional graphics processing.
No...they don't play at all; there is no flash player!

As for the resolution, it actually won't do what it claims because paper does not look the same as a screen; especially in bright sunlight or a dark room.

314.1.2012 08:53

Its 50/50 with what will really happen when its released,always the rumors.That worked out well with the iphone 5,I mean 4s..haha

414.1.2012 12:35

for some reason i think its lacking...

514.1.2012 12:38

what ELSE could it be...if you coming with something new, is always going to be faster process, faster speed, better this and that.

614.1.2012 13:43

...and quad fold the cost to actual benefit to consumer.

Round & round we go again between the Apple fan base & those of various other manufacturers. How long did Apple folks have to wait till they got a comparable tablet with specs to that of the Samsung device? I know, I know, the resolution, but the rest is pretty close. But I can also guarantee the price won't be.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Jan 2012 @ 1:43

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