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Sprint confirms 4G LTE will be unlimited

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 Apr 2012 7:26 User comments (11)

Sprint confirms 4G LTE will be unlimited The U.S.' third-largest carrier, Sprint, has confirmed today that its 4G LTE network will remain unlimited to subscribers, just like their 3G and WiMax networks are.
Rep Nichole Cappitelli confirmed the fact that LTE data plans would still have an unlimited option.

Sprint is rolling out their LTE network starting next year, after a failed experiment with the 4G-esque WiMAX.

The carrier remains the only of the majors to have a truly unlimited experience, as Verizon and AT&T have moved to tiered pricing and T-Mobile throttles data after 2GB of monthly usage.

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11 user comments

15.4.2012 11:21

This is great to hear I would be interested in the 4G if the tru-put is good and drop my crappy DSL through Century Link/Qwest.

25.4.2012 12:13

Would be awesome, if they had any LTE towers.

35.4.2012 13:21

I've heard they use Clearwire who has many now and is working on more. I can already get it hear in the Minneapolis area but I'm not sure if Fort Myers has it yet, they didn't have it a year ago but may now. When that happens I will pull the trigger so I'll have hi-speed at my home and condo plus cell phones.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 Apr 2012 @ 1:22

46.4.2012 14:44

lol is that an unlimited package with a cough cough fair use policy which basically means its not unlimited after all...

56.4.2012 14:56

Actually, I use Sprint now, with an Evo 4G on Wimax. I never see 4G speeds but it IS unlimited.
I've racked up 10GB or even 15GB per month with no complaints.

I would gladly continue ... but for crying out loud, please quit selling me service that you cannot offer.
There is NO LTE on Sprint right now. Promises of it for the future falls on deaf ears.

66.4.2012 15:31

Umm 10GB a month on a high speed network is like a piss in the wind, thats like 8 hi def streamed programs, if that.

Although its a good thing if unlimited can actually start to mean unlimited, rather than complete and utter lie.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Apr 2012 @ 3:39

76.4.2012 20:27

There are ALWAYS limits, always! Sprint is definitely better than the rest for not throttling their clients like ALL the others do. Not that Sprint doesn't have their issues they do.

87.4.2012 12:11

Originally posted by ThePastor:
Actually, I use Sprint now, with an Evo 4G on Wimax. I never see 4G speeds but it IS unlimited.
I've racked up 10GB or even 15GB per month with no complaints.

I would gladly continue ... but for crying out loud, please quit selling me service that you cannot offer.
There is NO LTE on Sprint right now. Promises of it for the future falls on deaf ears.
Whch is why sir when you do get it, I can guarantee absolutely with almost certainty that they'll throttle your speed at a given point, cause the moral of these corporations is to raise prices to get profits to survive the competition and it's really sad. If Sprint could succeed in giving true unlimited data, without throttling, that would be a welcome change. However, history has proven time and time again that is not the cause. Greed begets greed unfortunately, even for a decent CEO of Sprint its too tempting to not get rich and power from profits. Thats just the world we live in these days. Sad but true.

97.4.2012 12:38

So the moral of the story is, BASH IT HARD while you still can !!

107.4.2012 12:47

This would be awesome :D

117.4.2012 23:31

I have beautiful 4g coverage (Up to 6Mbps down and always 1.5 up) and have used about 2 gigs a day in data for the last year and a half. Playing xbox live, netflix and hulu plus. If you get coverage where you are it is a an awesome deal.

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