AfterDawn: Tech news

Assaulting a Nokia Lumia 900 with a hammer and nails

Written by James Delahunty @ 21 May 2012 12:12 User comments (6)

Assaulting a Nokia Lumia 900 with a hammer and nails Please stop doing that!
There have been some questions raised about the strength of the glass used on some smartphones. Nokia wanted to show the strength of the "Gorilla Glass" on the front of the Lumia 900 handset, using a hammer and some nails.

The guy in the video first uses the hammer to smack some nails against the screen, and then uses the handset itself as a hammer to push the nail into some wood. Pretty impressive, even though you can't exactly see clearly if the screen wasn't marked.. but taking a beating like that and not shattering is impressive itself.

Take a look..

Tags: Lumia 900
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6 user comments

121.5.2012 00:47

haha he answered the phone call

221.5.2012 02:31

somehow i get the feeling that wouldnt let me try that at my local phone shop.

422.5.2012 12:55

Someone should try keeping it in their pocket with change while driving on a gravel road...that's how I got a surface scratch on mine. Dropping it face down from 8 feet onto rough concrete? No issues.

525.5.2012 09:22

Finally a reason to buy a Windows phone.
They should ship it with an optional handle.

625.5.2012 09:59

^ Good One ;)

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