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Analyst: Microsoft making its own phone

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Jun 2012 11:31 User comments (11)

Analyst: Microsoft making its own phone

According to Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund, Microsoft is looking into ways to make their own smartphone.
The device will be used to boost the presence of the upcoming Windows Phone 8 operating system.

"Our industry sources tell us that Microsoft may be working with a contract manufacturer to develop their own handset for Windows Phone 8," wrote Sherlund in a client note.

"It is unclear to us whether this would be a reference platform or whether this may be a go-to market Microsoft-branded handset."

Sherlund's input is notable as he has covered the company since 1986. Microsoft would not comment on the report.

Microsoft just announced the update yesterday, showing off new features like customizable tiles, an editable homescreen, better multitasking and better supported hardware options.

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11 user comments

121.6.2012 23:43

They want to make the "nexus one" of windows phones.

222.6.2012 00:08

it is what it is

322.6.2012 00:12

If they want to boost their w8 phone presence, they need to allow free updates for the people who just bought Windows phones. Otherwise, people will see that Windows phones are hopelessly outdated and not upgradable within a few months. We tech people know w8 phone will not be replaced by w9 phone for a while, but I don't think the average consumer does.

422.6.2012 00:26

im open

522.6.2012 02:43

I thought the Nokia phones were the be all end all of windows phones.

622.6.2012 05:31

HTC - thats the way forward.....

722.6.2012 07:46

Originally posted by plutonash:
I thought the Nokia phones were the be all end all of windows phones.
No, we just assumed no one would bother to make another Windows phone after the dismal sales.

822.6.2012 11:43

I was under the impression this was a redundant article altogether... Haven't we all heard that Windows was all over the place about making their own phone/tablet/refrigerator/soft serve ice cream for a couple of months now?

I was pretty much under the impression that no one was taking it very serious as most solely based Windows devices never did worth a damn in the market. Granted, we can all blame CE or what ever other incarnation that followed, this one now just happens to be RT. "IF" that's what is going into the phones, otherwise we're right back to my original theory.

Seriously, on a tablet I could muster possibly using an incantation of Windows. On a smaller phone screen, I'm probably going to complain...

923.6.2012 12:43

What goes into the phones is Windows Phone 8, not Win8 RT. RT is only for ARM-based tablets.

Edit --> "Incantation" of Windows..? LOL That's actually quite apropos, but I think you meant "incarnation" ^^' ...

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Jun 2012 @ 12:44

1023.6.2012 14:16

Originally posted by Bozobub:
... but I think you meant "incarnation" ^^' ...
Ahh crap! There I go again... I need an editor! I had/have an uncle (not sure if he's still alive) that told me I needed to hire someone to follow me around & record all the crazy shit that flies off the top of my head - then tie me down, shoot me full of elephant tranquilizers & figure out what I was trying to say.

He was an animator for Disney w a y back in the day, so I figure he knew what he was talking about, but I don't have that kind of money & I never got a high enough paying job in 'that' end of the entertainment industry to afford that luxury.

You guys are the next best thing.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Jun 2012 @ 11:44

1129.6.2012 01:09

I loved my Casio E-110 WinCE 3.0 pda with Word, Excel & Outlook compatibility with the desktop version. If they go about it properly it can be a killer device.

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