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Twitter unveiling new tool to download all your old tweets

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 Jul 2012 11:46 User comments (5)

Twitter unveiling new tool to download all your old tweets As any active Twitter user knows, it is currently almost impossible to find your old messages, even after a few days (or weeks).
CEO Dick Costolo says that is about to change.

The exec told reporters that the microblogging giant will soon be adding a tool to allow users to download a file that includes all their tweets since joining the service: "We're working on a tool to let users export all of their tweets. You'll be able to download a file of them."

While users would be able to check through their own archives, Costolo says he does not anticipate the company letting its users have access to the archived tweets of other users. He added that search issues are a whole different monster and you "can't just put three engineers on it."
Costolo did not give a timeframe for the release of the download tool or for the upgraded search.

Many active users have long requested a download tool for their archived tweets, and it is even law in the EU. Users in the EU who have asked for the tweets have been sent a zip file containing your account details, tweets, favorites, direct messages, lists and saved searches. This alone means the company certainly has the capabilities to create such a tool.

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5 user comments

126.7.2012 19:20

looking forward to it...

226.7.2012 23:07

Pretty cool. Although, I think it's funny that I can still remember my first tweet from three years and 15,000 tweets ago. lol

328.7.2012 01:57

Why? What a waste!

430.7.2012 05:43

Whatever may be the reason i think that it was a good thing to read your old tweets because that may bring you some interesting memories

530.7.2012 10:16

WOW, this is exactly what is wrong with the Tweeter crowd! We use to take pictures and movies of our special moments, which were special not trivial ramblings. Amazing.... Or get a life....

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