AfterDawn: Tech news

iOS 6 Maps are so bad, there is now a Tumblr page to mock them

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Sep 2012 8:39 User comments (31)

iOS 6 Maps are so bad, there is now a Tumblr page to mock them With the new release of Apple's iOS 6 mobile operating system, the company moved away from Google Maps to add their own Maps app.
The app is supposed to have photo-realistic and interactive 3D Maps, and for some places it does. For the most part, however, the maps lack details and have extremely awkward glitches that either "melt" areas of the map or flatten them.

Additionally, there is a lack of transit, Street View, point of interest data and awful traffic view data. has a fantastic collection of some of the more terrible failures, and I'll post some here, as well:

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31 user comments

120.9.2012 21:07

220.9.2012 21:24

Pretty comical - DVDBack23- made me laugh pretty good.

320.9.2012 22:06

Oh, my. That bridge pic was especially amusing ^^' ...

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 20 Sep 2012 @ 10:07

420.9.2012 22:32

So it's much the same as bing maps then. Bing has some excellent 45 degree images in places that google does not (London for example!) but the way they're put together is so awful it's completely unrealistic to try and use it for anything.


521.9.2012 00:27

London bridges flattened down... flattened down...?!

621.9.2012 02:42

That's not London Bridge :P

721.9.2012 06:14

C'mon, it's a crApple product, so it's "amazing", "the best", "revolutionary", and "innovative".

Bwaa Haa Haa.

821.9.2012 07:46

Originally posted by bdaleypsu:
C'mon, it's a crApple product, so it's "amazing", "the best", "revolutionary", and "innovative".

Bwaa Haa Haa.
You forgot that it was copied by Samsung...lmao!!! Who in the HELL would want to copy something as awful as a crAplle iPhreeze anyway? :)

921.9.2012 08:54

This is really going to hurt sales like the fake antenna problem with the iPhone 4.
Been there, done this.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Sep 2012 @ 8:54

1021.9.2012 09:46

I'm quite convinced they got their satellite imagery, not from a satellite, but from an iPhone attached to a kite... and using the front facing camera too.

1121.9.2012 10:10

Originally posted by robertmro:
This is really going to hurt sales like the fake antenna problem with the iPhone 4.
Been there, done this.
No one said a thing about sales, silly. We're quite aware the Apple drones will just make a zillion justifications about how this is "better".

Or maybe they'll just say, "You're holding it wrong". =3
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Sep 2012 @ 10:10

1221.9.2012 11:16

Originally posted by robertmro:
This is really going to hurt sales like the fake antenna problem with the iPhone 4.
Been there, done this.
You're correct. No matter what flaws an iPhone has, no matter how underwhelming the specs are, the Apple Zombies will line-up like animals to buy it. But what else would you expect from people who make appointments with "Geniuses" whenever they have a problem?

I'm convinced that Apple could come out with an "iPhone 5s" 60 days from now that was no different in any way except the name, and the same mindless sheep would line up again to buy it.

1321.9.2012 11:48

I hope this serves as a wakeup call to Apple fans. Apple's monopolistic practice doesn't deserve your support and hard earned money. First they give you a locked down phone which doesn't allow you to move music and videos in and out of phone freely, doesn't allow you to save many types of email attachment, doesn't allow many many customizations such as your choice of keyboard, etc. Second they ban apps that compete against theirs. How ridiculous? I'm betting if Google wanted to put Google Maps in AppStore, Apple wouldn't allow it. Apple is not the only company who can write good software. Even they are the best which they are not and Apple Maps is one example, people should have choices. Apple masks their monopolistic practice with so called curated, safe/happy prison which in the end only hurts customers and possibly their own business. 2 times I liked Apple and ended up hating them, 1st time was the Mac, 2nd was the Iphone. It's all their monopolistic and proprietary/non-open practice.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Sep 2012 @ 11:49

1421.9.2012 11:52

I wonder if Steve Jobs was still around, would he allow this app to go live? IMO, Tim Cook drops the ball on QA.

1521.9.2012 11:56

Originally posted by bmok:
I wonder if Steve Jobs was still around, would he allow this app to go live? IMO, Tim Cook drops the ball on QA.
Nah, Apple didn't drop the ball. They know that the Apple Sheep will be happy to do Beta Testing for them. So why waste time and effort doing QA testing yourself?

1621.9.2012 12:55

Oh, yes they certainly DID "drop the ball". Apple's entire paradigm centers around "It just works", after all. Why by an iDevice for 35-50% more, when it has the exact same (in fact worse) problems that any other device does, after all? Certainly, the Applite zombies will stumble in for a while, but even they won't tolerate this kind of mess for long.

Jobs is spinning in his grave.

1721.9.2012 13:04

Originally posted by bdaleypsu:
Originally posted by robertmro:
This is really going to hurt sales like the fake antenna problem with the iPhone 4.
Been there, done this.
You're correct. No matter what flaws an iPhone has, no matter how underwhelming the specs are, the Apple Zombies will line-up like animals to buy it. But what else would you expect from people who make appointments with "Geniuses" whenever they have a problem?

I'm convinced that Apple could come out with an "iPhone 5s" 60 days from now that was no different in any way except the name, and the same mindless sheep would line up again to buy it.

1821.9.2012 13:32

I worked 18 years ago for an automotive navigation company as the maps database manager and I don't think Apple appreciated all the work that goes into integrating a map into an application. Maybe they appreciate it now.

1921.9.2012 16:46

Originally posted by bmok:
I wonder if Steve Jobs was still around, would he allow this app to go live? IMO, Tim Cook drops the ball on QA.
That's an interesting question. Jobs was no fan of Google, to put it mildly, but he was also very pragmatic. He hated Microsoft but still did deals with Bill Gates to ensure that there would be a version of Office for the Mac. He didn't cut off his nose to spite his face.

I don't think he would have dropped Google Maps unless and until he felt he had something better to replace it. He was also very good at pulling the plug on failed projects or going back to the drawing board, at huge expense, rather than pushing ahead with something that wasn't working. I don't think anyone at Apple is strong enough to do that now.

I don't ever remember anything remotely as sloppy as this in Jobs' time. Not the visual glitches, funny as they are, but the data. The data is awful. And that is not something they can easily fix. I can see this having an impact.

2021.9.2012 22:13

Originally posted by bmok:
I wonder if Steve Jobs was still around, would he allow this app to go live? IMO, Tim Cook drops the ball on QA.
To be honest this app would never have gone out, it probably would never of been released as google maps is far better and many people would probably want to use that app.

There's been a few thigs written that most of the stuff that apple are bring out right now, like apple TV a proper TV and mini ipads, and other stuff like this map app.

is stuff that was around when he was around but wouldn't allow it to be released as it was crap to be honest and probably silly when you think about it.

Now that he is dead you have the underlings going nuts selling all the shit they have come up with but weren't ever allowed to sell.

2122.9.2012 05:18

I suspect you are all Phandroids on here. The app is pretty poor with mapping problems but it is a version one. At least Apple users are only beta testing the maps app and not the whole slow, buggy, laggy, crashy disorganised OS Google call Android.

2222.9.2012 05:29

Originally posted by bloke2000:
I suspect you are all Phandroids on here. The app is pretty poor with mapping problems but it is a version one. At least Apple users are only beta testing the maps app and not the whole slow, buggy, laggy, crashy disorganised OS Google call Android.

Ha ha ha, your perception of Android is so incorrect. Stupid iTard.

2322.9.2012 05:34

To be fair, I think criticism of Android for being less stable than iOS is valid. Of course, being able to do a lot more with the OS than you can with iOS probably has a lot to do with that (in much the same way that Windows is less stable than OSX because of what you can do with it). Slow is an irrelevant point as it's all down to the hardware capabilities of the device, and the current top-tier Android devices are every bit as fast as iphones. Presumably bloke2000 doesn't realise that 'slow' and 'laggy' refer to the same issue.

2422.9.2012 09:31

@ bloke2000: The real point has nothing to do with which OS is better; it's the undeniable fact that Jobs would never have allowed this software to go public, without making sure "it just works". THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF OWNING APPLE PRODUCTS, BY THEIR OWN PR.

2522.9.2012 10:07

Originally posted by sammorris:
To be fair, I think criticism of Android for being less stable than iOS is valid. Of course, being able to do a lot more with the OS than you can with iOS probably has a lot to do with that (in much the same way that Windows is less stable than OSX because of what you can do with it). Slow is an irrelevant point as it's all down to the hardware capabilities of the device, and the current top-tier Android devices are every bit as fast as iphones. Presumably bloke2000 doesn't realise that 'slow' and 'laggy' refer to the same issue.
I have been using a Galaxy S3 for 3 months and just moved to iPhone 5, technically the Samsung it better equipped on paper but the iPhone is without question much more responsive.

Laggy = slow to respond to starting tasks
Slow = slow at performing these tasks.

2622.9.2012 10:09

Originally posted by Bozobub:
@ bloke2000: The real point has nothing to do with which OS is better; it's the undeniable fact that Jobs would never have allowed this software to go public, without making sure "it just works". THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF OWNING APPLE PRODUCTS, BY THEIR OWN PR.
I 100% agree Jobs would not let this have happened and the point of the story is about that, however the comments on this thread steer away from the original point and that is what I was responding to.

2722.9.2012 11:16

99% people who believe Android is "slow," "laggy" or "buggy" have never used a vanilla version of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

2822.9.2012 16:21

Originally posted by bloke2000:
Originally posted by sammorris:
To be fair, I think criticism of Android for being less stable than iOS is valid. Of course, being able to do a lot more with the OS than you can with iOS probably has a lot to do with that (in much the same way that Windows is less stable than OSX because of what you can do with it). Slow is an irrelevant point as it's all down to the hardware capabilities of the device, and the current top-tier Android devices are every bit as fast as iphones. Presumably bloke2000 doesn't realise that 'slow' and 'laggy' refer to the same issue.
I have been using a Galaxy S3 for 3 months and just moved to iPhone 5, technically the Samsung it better equipped on paper but the iPhone is without question much more responsive.

Laggy = slow to respond to starting tasks
Slow = slow at performing these tasks.
BS! I have a Galaxy S2 and it is buttery smooth.

2924.9.2012 08:58

Originally posted by harhumph:
London bridges flattened down... flattened down...?!
Don't make the same mistake Robert McCulloch!

3026.9.2012 18:55

Originally posted by Bozobub:
Oh, yes they certainly DID "drop the ball". Apple's entire paradigm centers around "It just works", after all. Why by an iDevice for 35-50% more, when it has the exact same (in fact worse) problems that any other device does, after all? Certainly, the Applite zombies will stumble in for a while, but even they won't tolerate this kind of mess for long.

Jobs is spinning in his grave.
It is 35-50% more because people are willing to pay for it...they may claim "It just works"...but they released the iPhone4 with a deathgrip antenna that they knew about before they started beta testing, and they kept it on the no, it does not "just work" "just sells" who cares if it works?

Originally posted by DVDBack23:
99% people who believe Android is "slow," "laggy" or "buggy" have never used a vanilla version of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
Or any Nexus distro for that matter; even an old 1-st gen moto droid is smooth with Cyanogenmod...not very powerful of course, but the menus work fine.

Originally posted by bloke2000:
Originally posted by Bozobub:
@ bloke2000: The real point has nothing to do with which OS is better; it's the undeniable fact that Jobs would never have allowed this software to go public, without making sure "it just works". THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF OWNING APPLE PRODUCTS, BY THEIR OWN PR.
I 100% agree Jobs would not let this have happened and the point of the story is about that, however the comments on this thread steer away from the original point and that is what I was responding to.
Jobs let the iPhone4 ship with a bad antenna, and then defended it. If he was alive today, we would see a press conference with him claiming some insanity like, "It's magic, it moves cities and lets you drive across invisible bridges". Jobs did marketing, not engineering. As for their own PR, if you actually believe the slogans of a PR department, you should be required to wear a helmet at all times.

Originally posted by xtago:
To be honest this app would never have gone out, it probably would never of been released as google maps is far better and many people would probably want to use that app.

At the time Steve blocked the Flash player from the iPhone, flash was the vast majority of online video, he even went as far as to say, "if you want porn, get an android" because he knew that HTML5 porn was practically non-existent, and that other online video services had only just begun to experiment with HTML5. None the less, he blocked the app. He knew that many people would want to access flash videos, and he didn't care...he blocked the app for no justifiable reason because he knew Apple sheeple would buy whatever crappy phone Apple made, regardless of what it couldn't do. Steve was probably the one who started this whole Apple maps project to start with anyway, so saying he wouldn't have released it is just poppycock.

3126.9.2012 22:24

a) I wasn't claiming Apple always "just works", silly, I was noting the obvious failure to match their PR, nothing more.

b) The antenna issue was something that could be conceivably excused as easy to miss, from an engineering standpoint (not that they DID, mind you, I'm sure they knew). The Maps app' problems, however, would have been easy to see from even the mopst cursory testing.

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