AfterDawn: Tech news

Internet Explorer continues to gain market share

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 Feb 2013 2:08 User comments (5)

Internet Explorer continues to gain market share For January, Internet Explorer continued its consistent climb in browser market share, as Chrome and Firefox consolidate.
Microsoft's browser gained 0.37 points to 55.14 percent share. Firefox saw a small bump of 0.12 points to 19.94 percent while Chrome fell significantly, 0.56 points to 17.48 percent.

Finishing up the list, Safari remained completely unchanged at 5.24 percent and Opera remained relatively unchanged at 1.75 percent.

An interesting note comes on the updates side. Nearly all Chrome users remain updated to the newest version, but Firefox appears to leave users behind with every update. Firefox fans are also staying with their old browser for extended periods, says Ars.

(Second chart below reflects combined share when including mobile, where Apple is dominant)

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5 user comments

13.2.2013 19:19

It is all those people that installed Windows 8 and can not figure out how to install anything else.

Once that is done they can not figure out how to get to it and run Firefox or chrome.

Metro you are paying off for Microsoft.

23.2.2013 19:50

Seems to happen every time a new version of Windows is released. There's a surge in the number of people who need to use it to download better browsers.

34.2.2013 23:38

I have personally considered moving away from chrome as it becomes less user friendly. I was particularly unhappy with the decision to ban the installing of scripts/plugins from sources other than the Play Store (i.e.

49.2.2013 02:17

With each update Chrome seems to become less friendly and more confusing.

59.2.2013 04:46

you must be using a different chrome than me then.go use ie for awhile and see how much you dislike chrome.

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