AfterDawn: Tech news

Google reveals specs for Google Glass

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Apr 2013 8:08 User comments (4)

Google reveals specs for Google Glass

Google has published the specifications for its Google Glass wearable device alongside the release of the Mirror API for Glass apps.
Glass features a 640 x 360 display which is the "equivalent of a 25-inch high definition screen from eight feet away."

The device also features a 5MP camera capable of up to 720p video and audio "that comes via a bone conduction transducer." Glass has 16GB internal storage, but only 12GB is available. Glass will be able to sync with Google Drive, as well.

Glass will 'fit any face' and include adjustable nose pads in two different sizes.

Google says Glass' battery will last up to "one full day of typical use," but video recording and other processor-intensive apps will lower that estimate. The headwear supports 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, connects to any Bluetooth phone and will support GPS and SMS through an app called "MyGlass" for Android.

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4 user comments

117.4.2013 14:54

This seems soooo surreal...

218.4.2013 20:38

There is a lot of hate for these glasses from naysayers, but I can't wait to get them myself. I've been waiting for years for some Futurama/Blade Runner style tech, and these are just what I've always wanted.

319.4.2013 09:57

Originally posted by Red_Forman:
There is a lot of hate for these glasses from naysayers, but I can't wait to get them myself. I've been waiting for years for some Futurama/Blade Runner style tech, and these are just what I've always wanted.
Do you like to smell your foot after you stick it up someone's ass?

420.4.2013 00:51

Pretty cool, but anyone want to mention what the main use for this is for? It takes pictures, videos, and updates whatever information floats your boat....doesn't a smartphone do this already?

I know people want to be "always connected" to their devices, but good lord, take a friggen breather from your smartphone and go for a run you fat f**ks. Do you really need to be updated to the millisecond on what some other zombie posted on facebook?

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