AfterDawn: Tech news

Update: Google Glass is definitely not available to the public

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 Apr 2014 9:40 User comments (3)

Update: Google Glass is definitely not available to the public Earlier today, consumers got a rush when it appeared that Google Glass headsets were available to the public, without need for an invite.
The page remained up allowing for would-be owners to purchase the glasses without signing up for the Explorer program, at the standard Explorer price of $1500.

Unfortunately, later in the day Google apologized for the mistake, saying they just neglected to pull down the URL from the April 15th one-day sale. The site should be down soon, they added, and anyone who ordered will most likely not get a device as the search giant noted that any customer not already "in the pipeline" will not receive a unit.

Google has not set a release date for the device, which has received rave reviews from techies but criticism from the media.

If you want to get notice of when the devices will really be available to all, check here.


Tags: google glass
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3 user comments

125.4.2014 16:49

I really want a pair. Not for 1500 bucks either. Maybe 399.00

226.4.2014 06:18

If they accepted orders off people then they have to supply the item(s). Contractual Obligation. Otherwise they are breaking the law.

328.4.2014 16:02

Originally posted by hearme0:
I really want a pair. Not for 1500 bucks either. Maybe 399.00
Wife and I got an invite - had to decline due to price tag. Right with you on that!

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