AfterDawn: Tech news

Anonymous wages war on Donald Trump

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Mar 2016 10:34 User comments (9)

Anonymous wages war on Donald Trump Hacktivist group Anonymous has waged war on Donald Trump, posting tons of personal information about the Presidential candidate online via Pastebin.
According to the post, the group has released Trump's social security number, home address, phone numbers and birth certificate.

The group is calling the operation #‎OpWhiteRose and #OpTrump, and the group has derided Trump and his policies of "hate" and "racism."

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9 user comments

120.3.2016 14:24


220.3.2016 21:33

I was debating the merits of ordering a pizza to Trump's house......Does he like Anchovies??? Ha ha ha.

321.3.2016 05:54

Originally posted by ivymike:
I was debating the merits of ordering a pizza to Trump's house......Does he like Anchovies??? Ha ha ha.
Make sure it has plenty of fat on it.

(If I was him I wouldn't order out.)

421.3.2016 06:49

Trump looks like a fat older version of Martin Skrelli

Personal sidenote, Trump also gives off the impression of another Hitler.

521.3.2016 08:21

At least we won't have to heat a big drawn out thing about his birth certificate.

Please stop comparing Trump to Hitler; Hitler was a brilliant speaker who won over a nation (to a terrible cause, but still). Trump is a mentally ill child in an inflatable red person suit who echos the loudest and most ignorant voices of one party. About the only thing nice you can say about him is that he is working very hard to make sure the next president is a woman...but he doesn't know that so it isn't to his credit.

621.3.2016 09:10

Originally posted by thebox:
Trump looks like a fat older version of Martin Skrelli

Personal sidenote, Trump also gives off the impression of another Hitler.
I'm not sure he wants to set up deathcamps, or even if he's any kind of ideologue. But I agree that he's using exactly the same kind of base empty rhetoric and manner to get into power. He will scapegoat, bully, ad-hominemize(?), bloviate, utter any lame platitude (is that an oxymoron? I don't care. 'America's gonna win so hard.') to get into power. Hang out with nitwit Sarah Palin... why not? Curse those book-learn'd who use $10 words. Witness how he used to be a Democrat, now a Repub, 'long as I get power'.

I expect a great leader to have a real sense of self-worth but outright hubris? It's a worry. He puts LA rappers to shame. It's gonna end like a Greek tragedy... worse!

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Mar 2016 @ 9:19

721.3.2016 10:27

Originally posted by ivymike:
I was debating the merits of ordering a pizza to Trump's house......Does he like Anchovies??? Ha ha ha.
Trump eats Pizza with a fork and knife. How un-American can you get?

821.3.2016 14:38

Originally posted by cpviolation:
Originally posted by ivymike:
I was debating the merits of ordering a pizza to Trump's house......Does he like Anchovies??? Ha ha ha.
Trump eats Pizza with a fork and knife. How un-American can you get?
I was gonna order a pizza to Trump's house and make him pay for it.....He's got the money.

921.3.2016 23:39

Originally posted by ivymike:
Originally posted by cpviolation:
Originally posted by ivymike:
I was debating the merits of ordering a pizza to Trump's house......Does he like Anchovies??? Ha ha ha.
Trump eats Pizza with a fork and knife. How un-American can you get?
I was gonna order a pizza to Trump's house and make him pay for it.....He's got the money.
Is incompetence a pizza topping?

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