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Samsung's reputation in free fall after exploding phones

Written by Matti Robinson @ 20 Feb 2017 12:34 User comments (3)

Samsung's reputation in free fall after exploding phones

Samsung's catastrophic launch of one of last year's most anticipated smartphones had a clear impact on the company's overall reputation, suggests a new report. An annual poll conducted by The Harris Poll reveals that Samsung's reputation has plummeted in the United States, Engadget reports.
The poll that was conducted on little over 30 000 U.S. adults between November 28 and December 16 puts Samsung in the 49th spot among the top companies. While this might not seem like an awful result you have to bare in mind that Samsung has been in the top-10 the previous two years. It is not hard to see a connection with exploding Note7 smartphones in last September and October.

The Reputation Quotient ranking of around 75 points puts Samsung just ahead of USPS while competitors like Google and Apple are 8th and 5th respectively with 82-odd points. That in itself should be telling.

Obviously there are still companies that are rated way worse and companies that have recently had even bigger controversies. These include everyone's favorite telecommuncations company Comcast and Volkswagen, which is known for its air fresheners, both of which are at approximately 63 points and rank 90th and 91st respectively.

Samsung's position is far from catastrophic though, but it is clear that the upcoming Galaxy S8 release is going to be vital. The Korean company has obviously acknowledged this as well and has postponed its flagship phone's release to make sure everything goes smoothly this time around.

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3 user comments

121.2.2017 10:36

Samsung quality and hardware are still subpar.

I have expired Samsung from my list of brands I would consider buying. Cell phones MIGHT be an exception but I don't own a cell and haven't for 4 years so that doesn't apply to me.

Everything else explodes...........and from a realistic perspective from the avg consumer, their product lines are short lived and unreliable and QC is nonexistent.

24.3.2017 04:36

Originally posted by hearme0:
Samsung quality and hardware are still subpar.

I have expired Samsung from my list of brands I would consider buying. Cell phones MIGHT be an exception but I don't own a cell and haven't for 4 years so that doesn't apply to me.

Everything else explodes...........and from a realistic perspective from the avg consumer, their product lines are short lived and unreliable and QC is nonexistent.
Iv got a samsung galaxy s6 as has my wife and we have had a range of samsung smart phones between us over the years without any problems, Iv also got other samsung products including tvs that iv also never had any problems with, I also have sony products and I wouldnt say they are better or worse as they do what they were made for like the samsungs.
As for reliability everything has worked fine for me without any explosions or even breakdowns

35.3.2017 02:01

Originally posted by hearme0:
Samsung quality and hardware are still subpar.
I've been given to understand their hardware is fine (batteries not withstanding), it's their software that's at issue.

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