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Microsoft will let users test apps before installing

Written by James Delahunty @ 13 Mar 2017 1:54 User comments (4)

Microsoft will let users test apps before installing

Microsoft's Playable Ads will let Windows 10 users try out an app before downloading it and installing it onto their devices.
The user can click / tap a promo ad and a full version of the app will stream to their device for three minutes, letting them test it out fully without downloading and installing it. It is convenient for the end user as you don't have to install something before testing it, and useful for the developer because it will reduce the number of disinterested users who will leave an app unused or just uninstall it shortly after downloading it.

Since the new Playable Ads are inline expandable ads, the user will not leave the current app context after ad click. Users can abandon the app stream at any point of time.

Developers don't really have to do anything to participate, as Microsoft does all the background work. No need for new packages or anything.

The feature is currently being tested as part of a limited preview.

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4 user comments

115.3.2017 14:49

What "apps" are they referring to???

Why is this needed?? All one has to do is d/l the app and if it sucks, like most do, then uninstall.

Is this for phone or PC?

I would like a couple of examples of "apps" that this would apply to.

216.3.2017 14:53

This process would be for paid apps which you currently have to buy before downloading them. I suspect that you are like me and only use apps which are free

318.3.2017 00:46

The real problem is that only users who haven't shut off all of M$' obnoxious ads will ever see this silliness ^^' . So in other words, this may sell some extra software but it won't work for serious users.

Hell, I don't even use the default Start Menu, FFS. Classic Shell FTW!

420.3.2017 10:45

Originally posted by Bozobub:
The real problem is that only users who haven't shut off all of M$' obnoxious ads will ever see this silliness ^^' . So in other words, this may sell some extra software but it won't work for serious users.

Hell, I don't even use the default Start Menu, FFS. Classic Shell FTW!
Serious users don't necessarily restrict themselves to only free software. Of course, the sorts of programs that serious users are actually willing to pay for take a lot more than 3 minutes to evaluate. If you only had 3 minutes with photoshop you would think it was no better than the windows version of GIMP. If you only had 3 minutes with the average game you wouldn't get through the intro. Then again, you can learn a lot in 3 minutes in some only takes about half that time to figure out that the Windows store is crap.

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