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The new iPhone X, designed in California, freezes in cold weather – Apple promises a fix

Written by Matti Robinson @ 10 Nov 2017 1:25 User comments (4)

The new iPhone X, designed in California, freezes in cold weather – Apple promises a fix

Unveiled first time officially last in September and finally released to the public exactly a week ago, the iPhone X has been the focal point of attention for media and consumers alike. As soon as the phone started selling some of the question marks surrounding the phone and its technology have been exposed.
Maybe the most questioned feature was the Face ID that replaced Touch ID as the sole biometric authentication method on iPhone X. It appears that most worries were alleviated, perhaps the range and tilt being the one problem people seem to have with it.

Obviously every single phone launch comes with its own problems and criticism. In some cases they are rather mild, like OnePlus 5 not having 4K video stabilization that was added shortly after, and in others they cause fires and cancel flights like in the case of Note7.

The new iPhone seemed to have mostly dodged the harshest criticism but a new problem has been found that does not bode well to people living certain areas. It appears that the iPhone X is really prone to not working in cold temperatures.

According to some users freezing, or even close to freezing, temperatures have caused the touch screen to interpret touches incorrectly or just flat out fail to work. One thread has been started on MacRumors forums by a Finnish user who experienced problems at -1°C (~30°F). The thread spanning now 6 pages has similar reports from other users.

There's also a Reddit thread posted yesterday on the same issue.

Apple has confirmed to The Loop that there indeed have been some problems with the display not responding in cold weather and they promise a fix in the next update.

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4 user comments

111.11.2017 11:22

A Thousand Dollar piece of pure crap !

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Nov 2017 @ 11:23

211.11.2017 15:55

That's pretty pathetic. Even California has places where it snows, and it isn't like they don't know about the effects of cold on screens. I've seen what an old macbook left in a freezing car overnight does when you turn it on.

313.11.2017 04:36

Didn't you know that it ain't a kewl phone?

415.11.2017 03:02

No it is not the fault of Apple. They figured that the idiots who bought their phones had money to burn and not enough smarts to not buy it, and would be in climate control environment 24/7 OR people from "cold country" were too smart to fall for their crap sales pitch!

What would make my day would be the screen just shattering when some one at a gas station in Minnesota taps on it outdoors at -30°F.

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