AfterDawn: Tech news

Tesla's power pack charges your phone like a Supercharger

Written by Matti Robinson @ 18 Nov 2017 1:25

Tesla's power pack charges your phone like a Supercharger

Tesla announced yesterday two incredible products that are due in two or three years. However, you might not have the money, nor the interest, to buy either Tesla Semi or Roadster, but there is another new product that might catch your attention.
Tesla released a new battery pack, but it's not the type of battery back you charge your car from or light up your home with. It's a USB and Apple's Lightning enabled power pack for your smartphone or tablet.

The battery pack is called the Powerbank after their home battery solution Powerwall and it looks like one of those iconic Superchargers you charge you Tesla with. In fact, the Powerbank uses a single 18650 cell from a Model S or X as the battery, and it provides 3,350 milliamp hours of capacity. That means that it can top up a modern smartphone just about one time, depending on the model of course.

Unfortunately there are a few bad news if you'd like to get one. First of all, it's pretty expensive at $45. You can get a far bigger battery pack for fraction of the price on Amazon.

But you might not care about that, after all it's a Tesla product so you are expected to pay premium. Therein lies the second piece of bad news. It's already sold out. You'll just have to hope a second batch becomes available so you can gift yourself perhaps the most expensive, and most beautiful, external smartphone battery pack.

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