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AT&T to bring 5G to U.S. this year

Written by James Delahunty @ 04 Jan 2018 2:19 User comments (1)

AT&T to bring 5G to U.S. this year

AT&T has announced that it will rollout its initial 5G cellular network services in the United States in 2018.
The announcement comes weeks after international wireless standards for the network technology were finalized by 3GPP. With vital elements of the standard now settled, device manufacturers can now begin development of compatible equipment.

AT&T has committed to rollout its initial 5G network services to its customers in a dozen cities in the United States, some time later this year. It will also trial 5G technology with businesses of all sizes across industries.

5G promises significant improvements in speed and in latency for cellular users over the LTE network technology that is now standard in most developed countries.

"5G will change the way we live, work and enjoy entertainment," said Melissa Arnoldi, president, AT&T Technology and Operations.

"We're moving quickly to begin deploying mobile 5G this year and start unlocking the future of connectivity for consumers and businesses. With faster speeds and ultra-low latency, 5G will ultimately deliver and enhance experiences like virtual reality, future driverless cars, immersive 4K video and more."

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1 user comment

14.1.2018 19:17

LoL, AT&T still hasn't even approached 4G speeds; not even in cities. They use LTE because it's cheaper to provide 5mbps with LTE than it is to provide 5mbps with's pretty rare to see 21.5mbps (the realistic limit of 3G, although 600+ is theoretically possible), and with the exception of a few tech demos and such, seeing the gigabit speed specified for 4G is unheard of.

5G is most likely cheaper to run than 4G, at least per GB in a city...that's why they are adopting it. We still won't even see 4G speeds from it, and all of AT&t's talk of better internet is from the PR department. If AT&T wanted people to have fast internet, they wouldn't be paying the people who run my apartment complex a bribe to keep competitors out, while offering a MAXIMUM speed of just 25/ an area that is surrounded by fiber.

Ignore their PR BS. It's all about getting as much out of the customer as fast a possible, with no concern for the lost customers (when people even have an option).

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