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Twitter has a new, simpler design

Written by Matti Robinson @ 16 Jul 2019 9:52 User comments (2)

Twitter has a new, simpler design Microblogging service – or perhaps after increase in character limit, miniblogging service – Twitter has redesigned its user interface, and released it to the public.
The new design is trying to make it easier to use the service and its core features. This means that the navigation has been updated, and it should be easier to access things like your notifications, messages, and trends.

The site still relies in the three column view in which the center column is dedicated to your Twitter feed. However, Trends for you has moved from the left side to the right side, and now takes up the space above Who to follow, which is still at the bottom right.

Navigation has been moved from the top to left side and takes up way more of the real estate. The navigation bar includes the following options: Home, Explore, Notifications, Messages, Bookmarks, Lists, Profile, and More.

More gets you to less used features, like settings, ads, analytics and so forth.

A new Tweet button can be found under the navigation menu and the tweet field is still at top center like you're used to.

All the elements are far larger, and the design is much simpler, easier to read, and perhaps to use. It might be a little too simple for some, but on the other hand it does now offer two different dark modes.

Whether this will reduce the threshold for tweeting and using the sites other features remains to be seen.

You can enable the new layout from the top right banner at

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2 user comments

123.7.2019 14:04

The new design is terrible, unbearable. One still can switch back to the old design deleting a certain cookie.

225.7.2019 10:19

The new design sucks big time. I don't like the format on my mobile & now, they're forcing it on the desktop too.

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