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EU: Drop HD video during pandemic

Written by James Delahunty @ 19 Mar 2020 1:02 User comments (2)

EU: Drop HD video during pandemic As Internet Service Providers note an increase in Internet usage during the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU is suggesting you lower your resolution.
European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton is urging streaming providers to act to keep the Internet working smoothly as more people depend on it to work or learn from home.

The Frenchman has already reportedly spoken to Netflix chief Reed Hastings about the concerns of high demand on Europe's Internet infrastructure. Breton also is urging Europeans to #SwitchToStandard - to watch videos in standard definition and not high definition or UltraHD 4K.

In comments to the Financial Times, Hastings pointed out that Netflix has adaptive streaming technology that automatically adjusts the resolution of streaming video depending on the available bandwidth in a local area.

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2 user comments

120.3.2020 11:12

Netflix will, of course, lower monthly subscription costs. Right ?!?!

26.4.2020 04:08

They have a bloody cheek - are they going to refund my £100 per month that I pay for fast, reliable service they expect me to sacrifice so others can run facebook & twitter?
Not likely!
The telecoms companies make enough money and should increase their capacity instead of simply assuming that most people will only ever need WiFi speeds and therefore that will be plenty, and continuing to oversell existing capacity?
Not a hope of this happening from me that is for sure unless someone will refund the monthly fees I pay.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Apr 2020 @ 10:04

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